That's what we were told last time with Stendel. Turned out they could tell Scottish papers everything and the only reason they treated Barnsley fans like crap was out of respect. Aye alright. Of course they can answer questions, they just choose not to because to them we are just cash cows
So you say. Not everyone thought the same. Totally different argument btw. Honestly ST I don’t know why you bother putting ANY money their way. You’ve had it in for em ever since the Stendel saga. Absolutely nothing they put forward will ever satisfy you. It always goes back to Stendel. Admitted that’s why I put some folk. It seems to be a bitterness that some folk are unwilling to let go. Managers come managers go. Not everyone agrees whether the right decision is made. But this has become like a broken record mate. We agree on a lot of things. But accept we will probably never see eye to eye on this one. I say these things not as a blind supporter of the board. I just see your arguments totally differently. They’re in place. They ain’t going away sometime soon. You are going to be bitter a long time yet.
All three open to interpretation though mate. The fact is nothing they do going forward will ever satisfy you. The anger shows through in your criticisms. Edit almost up their with your hatred of Boris. As such is mine. Difference is I could never vote Tory.
Not really we were told no information could be given for legal reasons. After con way blabbed to the Scottish media we were told the reason we hadn't been told was out of respect to Stendel. They are contradictory statements so it isn't interpretation that we were lied to
My points still stand. We see things differently. Your Hatred will never subside. If you’re waiting for apologies. Then you’ve a long wait. You’ve already said they’re having no more of your money. Only two things can give in those circumstances. You accept and go forward. Or The club is sold. Sad fact but true. You can’t have it both ways. It’s your choice mate.
I know that but in all honesty can you not see why it isn't interpretation that the two statements are contradictions and therefore one WAS false?
Doesn’t matter what I think. I’m not traipsing through old hat whichever way I look at it. Only part I seem to remember about the Scottish statement was after the Huddersfield investigation and the fact Hearts were in breach of protocol. Which may or may not ( I may add) have led to his statement. **** happens I’m afraid. But I’m done with this one mate. We have differences of opinion I accept that. But it’s dragged on too long we’ve both had our say.