Most of the board was moaning on here the other month because our players weren't ringing round like other clubs.
1) No they weren’t 2) If anyone did, they’d obviously be different people to the ones not a fan of the idea Why do people struggle to understand that there are lots of different people who have different opinions on things? It’s not just one person posting under lots of different names.
Stephen Foster called me years ago. It's nothing new and we are just one of many clubs doing similar again. With no community work to do at present - for obvious reasons - it's a harmless gesture. I am sure many will like getting a call from a player, particularly the youngsters. If others don't, that's a shame. I had already renewed my ticket so my call with Foz didn't last long!
On the flip side, I've just read a very positive email from a certain London Tyke who spent 20 minutes on the phone to Mike Bahre this morning. The report didn't sound like he'd spoken to a player who didn't want to be calling fans
My Union head on Paul. If they want to that’s fine. Forced. No. The points table is a non starter for me. They’re not children.
I'm not struggling to understand anything It was quite a vocal set jumping on the clubs back, like always.
I wondered about this too. It's a terrible idea, and it presumably drives a coach and horses through GDPR. It just feels soooooooooooooo awkward. A player who doesn't really want to speak to me, and whom I've nothing in common with, trying to sell me a season ticket I've already bought.
Most will love it Whitey, you know the difference between the club and the BBS. You can sit reading this forum and then go to games and think the forum belongs to a different club - completely different atmosphere.
A few mates of mine have received phone calls from the players. Don't get me wrong, if the season tickets weren't on sale, I very much doubt they'd be asked to make calls, but what I've heard is positive. The players they spoke to (Ludewig & Woodrow) came across really well, and didn't give off the impression that they'd been asked to call to push sales. Sounds as though they spoke mainly about how they've kept busy during lockdown, and how they can't wait to get going again. The article from the official site is a bit cringeworthy, but I don't see how the phone calls can be deemed negative.
Calum Styles rung me this morning - seemed a nice kid. Bit embarrassed about doing it but overall he seemed happy enough.