Sold out, so none. . But on a serious note. I think to buy online you have to have history of previous bookings via that method. Whether the system fully identifies that. You are as wise as me. Sure someone has quoted that in the past.
One poster the other day said he was waiting till they opened the north stand. I'm guessing he does'nt have a ticket now. Gamble that hasn't paid off sadly.
Segregating that stand ain’t cheap, unless numbers are high. That’s why it’s not been done for years. It was forced open for probably the first time in 20 years by dodgy cladding. I agree a small loss can be offset, but it’d be 5 figures minimum I bet to lose.
What needs remembering. Is the club decide how many police they want. As they only pay for those inside the stadium. The ratepayers take care of the rest. Police. Obviously in such a high risk game would be consulted. Normally security stewards are in control. (I dont mean those in the gangways in yellow coats.) With minimal police presence due to costs. A factor rightly or wrongly would have needed special measures for friday. Long has been the argument who should pay for policing outside the ground. The police do have a say. on say high risk games and in consultation with the clubs. Request to change ko.times. But lots if not most are dictated by the tv companies. When was the last time a 3 o'clock fixture was televised when a full programme is played. This is not a defend SYP view at all costs. But statements of fact. My main part on the fan/police forum is not the in essence discussions re home games. Which is there to try foster better relationships between fan and police at home games. They did a great job afore covid in sorting out the ringleaders of what was a group of fans out to cause trouble. Barnsley was the worst. Those that were encouraged by their peers to cause trouble were dealt with as anyone would given they were kids. (One in operations saying we've all probably been there at one time so try to convince em the ringleaders need keeping away from. in a proper manner in the presence of parents.) Saw it with my own eyes that it had a great effect. Some of that ugliness has returned. But Barnsley are not the worst. In fact it was great to read the lancashire police report praising our fans In chorley. For the way they behaved respectfully. But sadly that can't be said of all clubs. Even ours on occasion. Mk Don's was a bit of a mare on some reports. Didn't see owt missen tbh. Our travelling safety officers had a mare trying to keep fans from actually being arrested for abusive behaviour. I try put the away fans point of view over. Re the sometimes over reaction to away fans travelling on coaches. (Independent) by other forces (and for SYP and others to get their heads together re risk.). The bolton/morecambe games being total opposites given calling off points. For example. .
It really wouldn't. The stewarding costs come out if match expenses, essentially the vast majority of stewarding costs are paid for by the EFL and the other three clubs.