How do you know that every club breaks those rules? Also unsure what you mean by 'thats how share holding works'. What is?
That's exactly the way I see it. Hopefully a very effective way of getting rid of the turds that wouldn't flush.
Hope you are right but I'm a little skeptical about the tactics here. How will this force Conway and Lee to sell their shares?
Not only that but don't the owners really WANT them to stay as minority shareholders? It means that every time the board realise they're losing money hand over fist and need to inject some cash that the burden is split between them and fat lad and office above a shop boy. Surely having them as shareholders with no power means they're forced to put money in occasionally instead of the others having to fund it all.
Not supplying correct or complete information is surely the same as trying to hide something. Also they say we haven't informed them of who is owners etc. But they are supposed to vet everything and everyone when there is a change in ownership or it doesn't happen but it did happen so somewhere on the line someone is lying WHO, barnsley fc or the efl. In all fairness i do think it is the efl. But as per many othet things that is just my opinion and every one is entitled to their own opinion, but you wouldn't think so on here. My basic concern is for the club i have supported for 70 years
Well the EFL raised charges against Birmingham in February and handed down their verdict in April. So a couple of months seems to be the going rate.
I said similar yesterday, still it gives the doom mongers something to self flagellate over. If it was a classroom, the EFL would be at the front asking the rest of the clubs who wants to put their chewing gum in the basket!
timelines are going to be interesting, Khalid joined Jul 2021, Conway and Lee didn't get shuffled off until June 2022. Wonder if Khalid, as CEO is on the hook for a lot of this? Or does his remit stop at flatbreads?
The charges are to do with the ownership, Khaled is an employee of the club, he's as culpable as Whitey. If you want to throw around doom-mongering speculation start with Neerav or Jean Cryne, though the fact the EFL have only charged Conway and Lee alongside the club should settle that.
the charges relate to not telling the EFL what the club is doing and who's in charge, the majority of the statement from the EFL is about "the club" not doing things, not those individuals, but ok so just the flatbreads then.
I wonder what it is about Mr Al-Ahmad that inspires people to fabricate nonsense about him? I wonder.
They don't. They just get confused because of the fact he's the chief executive officer of barnsley football club.
But at that time the individuals WERE the club, they were the ones who made the decisions as to what to tell or not tell the EFL.
I've not fabricated anything. Given the serious nature of the charges I am merely interested to understand where our current CEO sits in terms of his responsibilities and where the buck stops. I hope that its all Lee and Conway's fault and everyone else who's still at the club is in the clear and that the EFL are cool with that, but that doesn't mean to say its the case. But yes, my real motivation is I'm a racist clearly.