To use the academy properly you have to be prepared that you might end up like Crewe. I'm all for that if that's what it says on the tin. Likewise if someone came out and said we'll be a yoyo club between League 1 and the Championship. I think Barnsley's main problem is that lack of identity and belonging. There's always been that promise of better which muddies the waters too.
This is one of the big problems for me. Our owners have gone so far down the line of treating fans disgustingly and being disrespectful that there's no coming back from it. Everything they say will be compared to their disgraceful stendel statement. Every thing they tell us we treat as a lie because they've told such blatant lies so many times. I can see no coming back for them, no salvation and no way to build bridges. For me they just have to go because they've long since passed the point of no return
I'm not so sure everyone will share those very strong views. football fans have short memories and ultimately results are king.
I'm absolutely certain that you're right. A minority are already so awestruck by the wealth and power of their superiors that they're unable to see that these superior beings could possibly do wrong. Some of our fans are so in awe that they've spent the last 3 or 4 years practically on their hands and knees licking the ringpieces of their gods. These fans think that by hero worshipping the rich men they are helping the club, in reality defending the indefensible is doing so much harm Just my opinion obviously