No - I’ve never been accused of being racist in the many things I say to my work colleagues, (particularly the team I manage), of whom four are white, one black, one mixed race and 6 are British Pakistani. (Hopefully they all had a blessed Eid yesterday or today, it fell Sunday for most but Monday for some). I royally rip the piss out of all of them at times when we’re having a laugh. When it is more serious and frank conversations have to be had, we have them. Race doesn’t form any part of any of the conversations. We go out for meals and socialise (of course some dont drink but that doesn’t prevent friendship). It is possible to do so, and have normal banter and interaction, I am never uncomfortable speaking to any of them. I’ve never been accused of being racist either. Funny that. Perhaps if you broadened your horizons and made an effort to speak to people of different ethnicity and/or origin, you might learn something. But no, you’ll stick to your ‘I’m English and so I’m becoming a second class citizen’ rhetoric. Tommy bleeding Robinson has a lot to answer for in this country.
Some good points there. I’d like to point out that I believed the fans to be chanting it due to the excellent game Diaby was having against Fulham as I didn’t attend Sheffield United.
I can’t speak for the poster but in my view no - but I would castrate the grooming gangs. Let’s not excuse the plebs behaving as they are by talking about a completely different issue though.
To ALL the Bigots on here. Your Right we’re wrong. To all those that think Thiam’s crap. Your wrong I’m right.
And the club falls into the trap - Who on earth at the club sanctioned that statement specifically referring to 'ongoing chants' and 'stereotypical language' Many people weren't aware of this specific chanting/ language and its implications - they do now! 10 pages on this thread devoted to one player's lovely person*! No, you don't ignore these chants but general statement about behaviour would have been sufficient. Consider this -- the target of the Racist chanters is not primarily the subject of their chant but rather the people (Club hierarchy) who will be annoyed with them. In showing their annoyance these people (Club hierarchy) will give the subject of these vile chants the much needed publicity they want to happen -- and that is what has happened here.
BFC are right to make a stand on this. But they need to look at themselves too, as a club. 'Our town, our team, our blood' or whatever the fck that was.. They brand the club as the be all & end all of the world. 'Our blood' ffs..?!! If you don't think that ***** influences impressionable young minds, then you haven't been reading the modern script...
Probably to stop the debate being online between our fans and opposing fans similar to what is taking place on here. Every tweet would have included the club's Twitter handle. Alternatively, new info/new plan so they might lead with a further update later?
Doesn't matter if people think the song is racist or not it is obvious that the chant plays on a steriotype the club have asked for the song not to be sang and that should be the end of it. This is the second time in quick succesion where the club/fans have been highlighted for racial issues with the banning orders for racism league now this. Not only have the club highlighted this but so have kick it out and I have also seen it on sky sports app I for one do not want the club I support to been seen a racist because of a few idiots, probably singing it now just to take the p*** it wasn't funny to begin with and now it's getting out of hand some people need to grow up u wouldn't sing it to a random black guy in street so dont do it in the stands
Could I just say for future reference that I do not consider myself a bigot and have actively argued against bigotry in my time. I do not believe any race or nationality to be superior to another and I sincerely apologise if my rather libertarian views on language and word meaning have offended anybody. Sorry again.