To put an end to all this squabbling wouldn’t it be better if on Saturday Bambo got his penis out infront of the Ponty. If it’s sizeable then fans can continue to chant whatever they chant - if it’s like a peanut then the chanting has to stop because it would be embarrassing. Problem solved.
That assumes their balls have dropped which I seriously doubt. Arguments about what constitutes deliberate racism aside, what is the solution? We have a section of vile scumbags who sully the name of our club on a regular basis, whatever song they sing. I recall the game at Wembley when Millwall were villified (rightly) as braindead neanderthals, yet I also saw equally bad stuff from our fans on the tube. We are no angels I see probably 2 to 300 fans on the Ponty singing this, also the behaviour in general home and especially away is becoming appalling and seems the authorities don't want to deal with it. SYP absolute rubbish-unless you're doing 31 in a 30mph zone. These idiots don't care, they have no self respect, no lives, they only thrive in this toxic atmosphere, and mostly they know there's no consequences for their antics. It feeds their need to be someone, as mostly they are nothing Allied to this is the ease which they post videos of themselves to the world, SHUT THE INTERNET!! It feeds the pond life My answer would be to make every fan a member of the club, with a swipe card. If ever you were escorted out of the ground/arrested/identified on internet/ the card would be revoked and you would NEVER be allowed in - end of.
Why haven't you asked this in the thread that is discussing these very points as oppose to a starting a new one? I'm merging it
Interesting choice of players to compare. Il ask one question? Have you ever heard this song sung about a black player?
No I haven't. I've only personally ever heard it being sung about Bambo Diaby and I think it's a bit daft but I think the issue of racism and perceptions of racism in a wider context are worthy of debate. Incidentally, are you aware how inherently racist the use of the term 'coloured' is?
Agreed and I’ve changed it. I’m sure you knew I meant nothing in it. I actually thought is black or coloured the correct word. My bad. As for the OP the song is racist, and the people singing it are using racist words. They are using a racial stereotype and abusing a protected characteristic. I’m also sure some of them are doing it because it’s rude to shout c0ck. Simpletons either way.
......... Carry On Football Staring Dane Murphy as Sid James. And TinaTyke as Barbara Windsor. Introducing Biglil as Bernard Bresslaw.
It was an interesting slip though and kind of reinforces the point I was making. I don't think you are racist because you inadvertently used the racist term 'coloured' to refer to black people. I think racism has to have an element of 'intent' and I don't think you 'intended' to be racist when you referred to black people as being 'coloured' By the same token I think some of the Barnsley fans who sing the Bambo Diaby song may think they are singing it because he is built like a brick outhouse rather than because he is black which makes them ignorant and ill-informed but not necessarily racist. Being informed of the racist connotations and continuing to sing it certainly is though.
To which they have been informed, at least twice. Which kind of defeats any argument that it’s not racist im sure you’d agree, based on your post above of course. The club Facebook statement actually failed to include the the word racist which they should have. The kick it out campaign are all over this, it could be easily dealt with by some of our fans not being idiots.