Part of the reason that we are still having this conversation is because the club have not been open in explaining who signed off this deal and exactly with who and whether or not they have actually received any payment? Is Kuqi Couture the person's actual name or a Twitter alias?
Just when you thought it was safe to go to Oakwell again! This must be, by some distance, the biggest bloody bungle in our entire history. It certainly is in my lifetime. The signings of Mido, Frimpong and Oulare and the appointments of Morais, Schopp and Asbaghi were absolute masterstrokes by comparison.
I wonder how much money we would make from a shirt sponsor at this point? If it isn’t significant, why don’t the club redeem themselves by having no sponsor and instead use the shirt to advertise charities, going on to auction the shirts off in aid of said charity each game. I don’t know if this is allowed or whether we could we change it from game to game, but the goodwill and great publicity we’d get from it would count for something wouldn’t it? Imagine treating the club as more than just something to make money to give to overpaid players. And yes, besides losing the sponsorship money it will cost us a few quid in shirts. But let’s face it, the cost would be a mere fraction of the wage we are paying Oulare, so there’s surely room at the club for being a bit smarter with money.
If they've got any decency and morals then the legal fees should come out of the pockets of our owners directly not from the club
I'm disappointed that JAQ has remained silent on the issue despite having been made aware of the tweets. It's her own personal twitter account so she could condemn the tweets personally but worryingly choose not to.
After the shenanigans of last season, I was really looking forward to confining my BFC-related posts to onfield matters. I've only watched one game, but already I've found myself sucked into threads about dirty seats, awful walkout music, and now this shìtshow. I'm seriously fed up with it now. How fùcking hard can it be to run a football club?
I can’t see me setting foot in Oakwell again until this is sorted out. So glad I stuck to my guns and didn’t get a Season Ticket. Some things are just more important. I really fear that the management are way out of their depth.
there could any number of reasons really. feels reasonable for individuals to hold fire for now though, and let official club channels deal with it. for all we know it could have been her group that put them forward. we just don't know. I do know this is all one massive disaster. I wonder if any of our other partners are getting concerned. negative PR could affect them as well
People hammering Khaled over this deal but surely the commercial director Andrew Clark had a big say? Either way it's a monumental **** up.
Easy tiger.. And to be fair, what is JAQ to do at this point? All it would achieve would be a war of words on Twitter with the Hexicans. Short of severing ties with HEX (which they should), I'm not sure JAQ can do anything. And why her specifically?
I think many people will be loathe to engage on Twitter, because they know they'll get hexed to high heaven and they'll be up all night blocking and deleting.
It's taken 3 days to come up with that really 3 days **** me the people running OUR club are more incompetent than I thought and I thought they were about as incompetent as you could possibly be.
I know of at least one company who advertise with the club have discussed cancelling their sponsorship/advertising.
Couldn't disagree less. I had doubts as the season approached, but I now know I made the right decision to stop going.
She's the only one who I know uses Twitter. I imagine others may but she's the only one who I know does. Obviously not including chien Lee.