Why? One of his main problems was he lost the ball at opposition box because he didn't know what to do with it or needlessly ran it out of play.
With regards to causing trouble, I'm surprised he was ever given a second chance after refusing to travel to Plymouth last season. There's too many negative stories surrounding him for them all to be false during his time here. It's evident the lad had bags of ability I just feel his attitude held him back from being a good footballer. Shame really.
With regards to all these rumours of him causing issues around the club, has anything factual ever been reported about them?
No I haven't seen one legit media source question his professionalism. Seems like a bunch of lies because if it had any truth in it surely Radio Sheffield, Calendar, Look North, Barnsley Chronicle, Star etc would have been all over it.
Everywhere says undisclosed except this site which quotes 1m euros. If that’s the case that is a good bit of business for a player who was never going to play for us again (whether that was the right decision or not is neither here nor there, he wasn’t going to be selected). https://www.teamfeed.co.uk/transfer/dimitri-kevin-cavare-to-sion-2020-02-17
If that's true than Sion are stupid. He was going to sit the season out for us before he became available for nothing in a couple of months.
I enjoyed Cavare at right back last season but after being frozen out this season it was inevitable he would leave. I heard all the various stories about him but he always seemed a so ewhat rebellious character even in the Stendel period. Shame because he was popular with the fans who only wanted him to do well.But that's football. Not sure what standard swiss football is though so we shall see how he fairs.
Good player but a maverick - the bus episode, not chasing back, not following instructions, pushing opposition players, and that's just what I've heard/seen, could be more. Our best right back but I wouldn't have played him as I just couldn't trust him. Best of luck to him, but I back the club in how they handled him.
My only issue is them stating he will not play for us again which imo only does three things. 1 it lowers his value as any buying club knows we don't want him here. 2. It is poor man management and unprofessional. And 3. It puts pressure on him to accept any move the club tries to force on him which is hypocritical imo because it is the exact same as a player refusing to play for us till they get a move away. A case of do the club saying do as I say not as I do. In terms of actually selling him I fully understand it and can't complain, same goes for not really playing him however he would still have been on the bench for me especially before we signed strubers mate when we didn't have cover on the bench.