Assuming we're correct on this, I would imagine that the 'admin' aspects of the CEO role get swept up by Robert Zuk in his current role. They need to sit with a full-time employee who's on based on-site, so he would seem to be the logical choice. Time will tell, but it's an opportunity to get the structure of the club to fit what the current board want it to be. Khaled was a Conway appointment, so they've been running until now with a structure, and personnel, that was put in place by the old board.
Can anyone name a Director of Football at another club that does anything positive to help the team , it’s a bit of a non job for me
What a fantastic job. If only I was 30 years younger, not quite so ugly, didn't live so far away, and knew something really useful about football, I'd apply for the job now. I've supported the reds since 1968 and love them to bits and I'd do anything to see them do well. Is that good enough for my cv? The first thing I'd do is get back in touch with the fans, the nitty gritty of the club. They're not customers, they're fans ! I know fk all about data and spread sheets.
Many people have been saying for some time, that this was needed at the Club. However it just reads weird to me. Reads like 'if you fancy it, pop your CV in'. Is that really how recruitment works for such a key role? Shouldn't it be more selective than this? Again, just doesn't read like something I would expect from a professional football club. Something on the lines of 'we're bringing a DoF in. We will work with parters to identify candidates for the role and look to appoint asap', rather than 'we're on the lookout, so send your CV in if you fancy it'. Another example of why people might say the Club lack professionalism. Maybe I'm overthinking it.
The job as advertised takes the position far beyond the traditional ‘pipe and slippers’ role that I have always imagined it to be. Of all the names mentioned thus far Dane Murphy would be the only feasible candidate. Having said that I do wonder why, after obvious successes, he left both us and Forest seemingly under a black cloud