Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Newsbot, Jun 16, 2022.

  1. Hig

    Higgy Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2016
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    I've complained about 3 things. Media Commerical and academy. Non was first on here.
  2. Indie Red

    Indie Red Well-Known Member

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  3. Hooky feller

    Hooky feller Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    I've attended most meetings and given Khaled a rough ride. As has loko and many others, he answered with dignity.
    1.Over the west stand debacle. Who according to the Chief safety officer himself. ( I was present when he made that statement.) made the decision it needed closing. Khaled then announced that decision on his advice. Not based on his own opinion.
    2. On the communication front. I laid the cards on the table re this issue . And he admitted it wasn't good enough. But we are seeing an improvement.
    3. The Wolfe new contract announcement got out at the same time or within minutes of telling the fan group.false allegations on here were made re the announcement. And the timing of it.
    4. The Dates for the manager to come in could not be guaranteed and were a wish list of Khaled , Neerav. And the new board. But as usual those dates 6th Jun.13th then possibly 20th. Were taken as guarantees by some.
    5. When Khaled said the season under Val was a failure. He was only stating a fact based on the criteria of the spreadsheet.( Unpalatable but true) . As viewed by Conway.
    That to be fair is when I turned against Conway and the rest of the board at that time. Not knowing what was happening in the Background. Which khaled I assume was/became aware of from November of last year.
    Having found out that Conway went his own way and went against other board members advice.
    6. Ongoing court issue. Who in their right minds would expect Khaled to release any information even if he has any.

    Fans are invited to most events and tbf to the club they have been present at most. But 1 or two of the people on here who chose not to, or refuse to attend.(not unable to attend And btw the numbers are astonishingly low.) Go on soundbites. And write as they see fit. Regardless of any semblance of truth.
    Loko and Gally present to this board. In as good as they can. The minutes of the meeting. Loko gets criticised at every turn. If he sometimes appears to get the huff on a rare occasion. I think he bloody well should. I'm not so sure I'd put up with constant criticism from those who chose to not take in what's said. Giving an opinion is fine. Once. Repeating the same opinion on multiple threads is just attention seeking. Imo that is.
  4. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    I can vouch for you in terms of asking the difficult questions at these forums on behalf of supporters. Sometimes, if it wasn’t for your questions, it could be seen as just a Q&A with myself or Gally.

    Appreciate your words. I’d just like to add, to try and disperse this myth around my unwavering support for the CEO, that I honestly don’t believe there’s a supporter out there who has tasked Khaled and the board as much on the £750k payment. I include the local journos in that, which is what they’re paid to do for a living, against myself who just tries to do my best in my spare time on behalf of the majority of the fan base.

    Anyone who attended Khaled’s first Q&A will likely vouch for this. I’m not bigging myself up in the slightest, but against a backdrop of non stop criticism against me personally, the round of applause from those attending that I got on three separate exchanges in that one forum, makes me think I’m doing something right.
    55&counting likes this.
  5. Dan

    DannyWilsonLovechild Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    I agree, those with an agenda, it's not worth the debate, and it's easy not to.

    What I continue to find disappointing is the efforts to create division in the fan base. To be fair, it's forever been thus in this place. Particular from certain quarters.

    We've had a horrible season. With horrible decisions, horrible football and a horrible outcome. We're at a point where hopefully we can draw a line in the sand and move to times where we're less in peril and maybe, just maybe, we can have a spell where it's more about play on the pitch than off it.

    There are some people who can't help themselves and crave division and conflict. We know who they are, they present themselves every day and aren't worthy of attention.

    I don't think you're one of those people, hence why I was a little disappointed that the post came across as it did.
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  6. Hooky feller

    Hooky feller Well-Known Member

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    And tbh , disappointed in myself. I try not to be confrontational on this board . And have been approached (not on here) about my demeanor in not losing control. And i always try and debate even under extreme provocation. Slanging matches go nowhere.
    I very rarely lose it in meetings and ask difficult questions. (Passion can appear as aggression. I get that within myself and notice it in others.) non more so than when in work meetings. (recently retired) Even told by colleagues to pick up my P45 on the way out lol.
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  7. 55&counting

    55&counting Well-Known Member

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    That's a good assessment HF. As I've said previously, the amount of negativity aimed at Khaled, Loko and Gally is unacceptable.
    However it's the nature of this place (and others) and it always will be.
    How refreshing would it be to be able to share debate on here without the aggression and constant moaning and groaning at everything the club does?
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  8. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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    Odd that fan reps spend their days attacking fans rather than representing them. I know as a union rep if I went around insulting members and defending the management structure at the expense of all else i wouldn’t last long.
  9. Ome

    Omen Well-Known Member

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    Kinell this post escalated quickly lol
  10. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    Can you point out where I've insulted someone please? Bold claim to make online.
  11. Hooky feller

    Hooky feller Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    As an ex union rep. Of 25yrs +. Do you always believe all your members. If you do. you are naive. Having defended some members (on disciplinarys) who will not even tell reps the truth and both the member and the rep ending up with egg on face in the presence of overwhelming evidence.
    If I had a member that I thought needed a kick up the arse. I'd bloody well tell him. Not for my benefit but for his. And on that note I'd defend him to the hilt even I don't agree. It was my role.
    I had great respect of most of those I represented. cos I didn't bullsh1t em. Gave no false hope and would inform them of the rules. Not what they thought fair.

    Spending his days Attacking fans. Really.
    Defending management structure at the expense of all else. Really.
    Having a different opinion to those ignorant of all the facts, who chose to have an agenda regardless of the truth. Is not a crime.
    He confronts management on the issues that those fans are requesting. Alongside Gally. And gets far more name calling than I'd put up with.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  12. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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    if I represented someone who I thought was in the wrong I would tell them that privately and advise them the correct course of action. I certainly wouldn’t dismiss their concerns and cosy up to management given every opportunity. I won some fairly ‘lost cause’ disciplinaries by not dismissing members concerns and not giving in at the first obstacle.

    As for challenging the Oakwell hierarchy. What’s the phrase “like being savaged by a dead sheep’”. The whole it was all Conway stuff is both ridiculous and amusing in equal measure.

    But hey if you think the last few years have not been a shambolic disaster as we lurch from crisis to crisis spending all our reserves and relying on other teams receiving penalties to ‘achieve’ anything then happy days.

    The ground falls to bits. Brilliant.

    The owners look into moving the club to Lancashire. Fantastic.

    They lie about the reason for ground closures until called out by the council. Great stuff

    They take monies from the club to pay their debts and then end up on court. Magnificent.

    They appoint a CEO in a forward facing role who puts his foot in it every time and seems miles out of depth no worries.

    Match day experience. Yeah Chuck em in a bit of the car park. Chances of a warm beverage or food at half time pretty much zero. World beating.
  13. Jimmy viz

    Jimmy viz Well-Known Member

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    well several times on this thread alone. So not so bold. Anyway I’m sticking you back on ignore as I cba seeing someone who is meant to represent fans acting in the way you do.

    In your defence I’m not sure you are aware of how you come across so I will leave it there.
    DannyWilsonLovechild likes this.
  14. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    No examples then, again. Thanks.
  15. Hooky feller

    Hooky feller Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2016
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    Re your 1st paragraph. This board is not private. Its 2 people who don't see eye to eye. As a union rep I would conduct my conversations in private. When it's a private matter.
    The rest of it. fill your boots. Neither loko or myself have those views. I didn't mention em once. Your post was about Loko's behaviour. And sucking up to the club. He's not an employee. Only pointing out the facts. Is that so hard to understand. You have already practically accused him of backing every statement the club when that clearly is not true. Glad you have an open mind.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2022
  16. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    For those who will see this, worth clarifying the reality as a follow up. The focus on Conway came towards the end of last year, after being made aware of various issues that had only come to light around that time, including the handling of Dane Murphy's exit, the approach to recruitment, the approach to dealing with the council, and the way we had identified our head coaches. All of those things were under the responsibility of one person.

    Looking at the list above, BFCST were at every turn. With the focus on the club and those responsible for running it, rather than one individual.

    Nobody challenged the club more on this at the time. We only have so much influence as the organisation that we are, and were really relying on others to follow our lead.

    The FanZone isn't for you. Fair enough. But it is for others and no worse than some other clubs at Championship level, so is an improvement on what has been available for the previous 30 years (which is nothing and was driven by the dead sheep). Inside the ground, we've regularly challenged the club on the catering and service levels being the number one improvement needed in regards to the match day experience. We've offered, given the extensive hospitality background within the BFCST board, to be part of any working party or group aimed at improving this for next season. We also shared the results of the survey at the AGM, with the CEO in attendance, which showed universal agreement that the match day experience isn't good enough.

    Various press releases, live interviews and open letters condemning this action. Along with the boardroom fights, the £750k payments, the courtroom case, the closure of the West Stand, and the performances and effort on the pitch. We also spoke with Dan Jarvis, Sir Steve Houghton, local media, and the EFL, to ensure there was a united front outside of Oakwell should this be pushed through at any point.

    We've been active with the council around building bridges with the club when the relationship was tense and difficult, due to one individual. We offered to mediate to bring people round the table, but in the end this wasn't needed as that relationship is now back in tact and hopefully we'll see the benefit of that over the coming months.

    The other comments are just personal opinion. There's a clear change of direction at the club, with initiatives happening that we've not seen before. The plans for open day sound positive, the extension of early bird was welcomed (our recommendation - but happening anyway), community projects on the increase, etc. etc. The CEO has been criticised as much as he's been praised, and the 'praise' hasn't really been very high.

    It's natural that BFCST won't behave or act exactly as everyone wants, but hopefully we get it right for the majority. You can never cater for all though, sadly. But I'm not sure the personal insults are a good luck given it's an open door to get involved and that's been actively rejected, whilst the people involved are just volunteers trying to do what's best.

    The AGM presentation document is here, which visually brings to life all of this far better than typing it up. Should be on the Trust website but just haven't got round to it (along with the live video of the presentation).
  17. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    Personally I don't think the supporters trust should be having hush hush meetings with the club, getting secret club changing information, keeping it to themselves and then carefully and craftily using that secret information to alter supporters opinion of key people in order that when the secret hush hush information is released to everyone they have had their opinion swayed. That's certainly what's happened this season and in my opinion it stinks.

    The trust have, knowingly or unknowingly, acted as the new boards propaganda machine for months. Slagging off Conway and defending the indefensible. It is my guess that the sudden, heartfelt and sustained defence of Khaled by the trust members on here was because they knew he would be playing a key part in the new board. Likewise I suspect that the sudden change from slagging off and belittling the Conway out group to posting #conway out and constantly posting 'all roads lead to Paul Conway ' or whatever it was was also because of the inside information that he was leaving. It was in my opinion all done to put it into the supporters heads that one man alone was to blame, that Khaled was brilliant and that the club is in safe hands with him remaining. It was the message sent out, the message repeated over and over and funnily enough when the news was shared publicly almost everyone was on board with the idea that Conway was the sole devil, Khaled was amazing and that all the other board members and shareholders had been mute for 4 years.

    The club, in my opinion, owe the trust a lot of money as that kind of or and propaganda usually comes at a price.

    Personally I think that shouldn't be what the SUPPORTERS trust is about. I also understand that individual key members of the supporters trust aren't officially posting on behalf of the trust but feel that has little importance or relevance when they know they have influenced due to their positions and were making posts based on information gained via their positions at the trust.

    How do we stop that from happening? **** knows. The only way I can see is to try to break the special relationship between trust and club but I can't see that being popular
  18. Fon

    Fonzie Well-Known Member

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    Remember when Khaled closed the West Stand, forced long attending season ticket holders to move, but then allowed various hangers on to sit in their seats on a matchday anyway?

    I do.
  19. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    Nah, all roads lead back to Paul Conway. Khaled is the Messiah
  20. Gally

    Gally Administrator Staff Member Admin

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    Personally, I think you take every nugget of information, analyse and twist it so you can bash the club or whatever is in your sights this week. You don't see the reality of a lot of situations. You can only see black and white and life is shades of grey. You seem to have trouble understanding myself and Loko have different opinions neither of which are opinions of the trust. The stuff we post on here is not Trust opinion, it's our own. I didn't think that was a difficult concept to understand but time and time again you seem to miss that point. What you have posted above is absolute ****** but hey the great news is that the Trust is a democratically elected organisation. Come to a meeting and have your say but I know the answer already. Just like all the times various club employees, ceos, safety officers have given you the opportunity to listen to your ever ******* long list of grievances and do something about them but every time you have turned them down, you'll hide behind your keyboard and continue to bitch and moan, bitch and moan. You'll complain about those that are prepared to give up their time and you'll twist sound bites and concoct ridiculous conspiracy theories.

    You don't think the Supporters' Trust should be speaking to the club? Whatever is the point of such an organisation if their cant be dialogue in the best interest of the fans it represents?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022

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