So am I right in taking from that that neither you nor loko had gained any information regarding changes to the ownership and or board structure of bfc prior to its general release?
No we knew it was coming so you go ahead and build up your nonsense conspiracy theory. How did we drive this propaganda machine you talk of? Do tell us the conspiracy theory. We might have a different opinion on Khaled than you but mainly that's because we'veve taken the time out to go to the public meetings he's arranged. We've spoken to him. You know a proper conversation to try and get the measure of someone. I think he's done some good things and some bad things but the reality is I can't make any decision on whether he's a good or bad CEO and neither can you. You only have a very limited perception of him because in the end you can't be arsed to engage.
Wow. Are you behind the conspiracy theory that man didn't land on the moon also? "How do we (you) stop this from happening?". Go to the meetings and express your opinions. Face to face.
He won't mate. Been invited numerous times I believe, including an invite from myself, to accompany me to a fan engagement. I once asked him why. Response was "**** all to do with you". So I took the hint and not bothered since. A lot of people are uncomfortable in an audience. That's why some post questions not only because of being unable to attend. but for the above reason. I don't know if he fits either of those categories. And to be honest I don't really care. Given his response the first time.
Don't know where to start on this and I can't be arsed to write a long post as I've got grass to cut but.... I've disagreed with particularly Ben about Khaled in the past. Maybe things are changing on that. That said they do have better access to inside information than any of us and some of that info they aren't in a position to share the minute they know it. That's the way the world works. I know one thing, I'm a damn site more inclined to trust the info they do give than some of the downright daft ideas posted from other sources and from people who flat out refuse to accept the facts when laid out to them.
Not really sure what this whole thread is about. The only thing I'm certain of is that it's way too early to be cutting the grass.
Lol. We've only got sheep and a couple of farmers. The farmers are up at all times and the sheep keep us awake all night at times baaing and whatnot so sod em.