Not sure why people are blaming Fanatics here. They've been crap of course, but I'd be shocked if the club have to buy the kit for the team through the online store provider. Surely they get it direct from Puma? So that's who should be blamed.
You might be right there tbf. However it’s still crackers that we haven’t been able to get a replacement kit. And Fanatics are still $hite
"of which a clash of red and black would cause a real challenge for." Not the best English. "For whom a clash of red and black would cause a real challenge." (Winston Churchill .... "Up with which I will not put.)
It's a good thing they didn't lose all three kits in the coach fire, otherwise we'd be back to that old favourite - Shirts vs Skins.
And I would have thought that if we were playing in white they would not just have taken one full strip on the bus. Maybe they have some but just not enough in relevant sizes. This is making it look more like a manufacturing supply issue everyday. If the manufacturer is struggling to supply then I cant see how you can put an order in and have delivery in less than a fortnight.
They should bring back the amber shirts they had when I were a lad. Pretty colour and often helped obscure a crap performance simply by being mesmeronically lovely.
Why don’t they put out an appeal: “If you have an adult shirt in white please contact the club for a full refund. Just bring it back before Saturday”.
Obviously it was a light-hearted comment but there might be something in it. I'm sure there are plenty of fans with footballer sized bodies. Not me though
Couldn't we have just gone down to Barnsley market and bought something vaguely similar with an iron on badge? Doesn't need to look quite right or have sponsors or anything. If it's good enough for the customers it's good enough for the club isnt it?