When it works, it does the necessary. But I’d love a new one that’s five times the size. And a new west stand. And a fringe.
I've had problems trying to do this on my phone. It turns out the reason is because my gmail app tries to open links with the edge browser. I opened chrome on my phone, logged into gmail and then pressed the link and it worked first time.
Amazing how many tech issues happen when we have to "move with the times". Never had problems when your ticket would be torn from your booklet. If we went cashless like many other clubs have to take away consumer choice we would be in a pickle regularly.
I use mine all the time as well but every so often it doesn’t work. Happened to me in my bakers last week. Wouldn’t work with my Apple Watch. Fished out the same card which was in my regular wallet and it worked fine contactless Went next door to butchers and it worked on the watch again. Happens a few times a year. I ought to put a second card on and see if that helps but I just prefer to put all my Apple Pay onto one card so I can keep track
Makes you wonder how we all managed years ago, doesn't it? Not really an issue for me. I set a stopwatch going on my phone.
Same with Janie's, but I got her a new card which also doesn't work. Do you think she'll need a new digital version?
I wish the club would get a few quotes for a new scoreboard and even if they weren't willing to pay for it they could set fans a target of fundraising even half the amount on a matched funding thing. It can't be anywhere near the cost we were told last time. Then the current one could be fixed to the back of the east stand to add to the fanzone
It took 25 seasons to replace the last scoreboard. Probably 150 seasons to build a new west stand. Not much we can do about your fringe mate..