Sounds great. Hopefully they'll take over the fanzone too and expand it into a much larger area catering to different wants. I wonder why we have announced that we've teamed up with social when we've surely actually teamed up with Roister a Sheffield based events and drinks company. Even the contact details on their page say to email Roister.
Dunno. Branding? Maybe Roister is considered a company, whereas Social is considered an ‘event’? Like The Suppa Club etc?
Possibly yeah. Just seemed a bit strange "we've teamed with social" when social don't seem to exist anywhere else, can't find the logo etc on Google and the contact address is oakwell. Anyway sounds like a great move. Anything that gets oakwell used more often is a positive for me. Oh and also (this isn't to you) when I said hopefully they'll improve the fanzone I meant physically. It appears to be run really well.
Yeah no worries. Didn’t find owt wrong in your fanzone comment. Didn’t read it as a dig at all. I reckon anyone who goes down, will see they’re working their b0llocks off, for free, to give the best product they can with what they have.
Sounds good, and I can definitely vouch for some of the food vendors having eaten their wares at Suppa Club. I'd be interested to know whether it's a coincidence that the first event is when we're away on the Saturday, and whether there are any plans to make them coincide with a matchday in future? I could well imagine sticking around after a game to attend an event like this at Oakwell, but I wouldn't make a special trip to the ground while there isn't a game on (though I'm sure loads of others would).
Good idea in principal but the concourse is dull and by the time of the dates it's going to be cold hanging around there.
Think this sounds a great initiative personally. Only thing I'd be weary about, if it's an independent partnership in that concourse outisde of match days, we all know it can be very cold there winter wise. If it's joined up with sticking up some sort of PVC windows etc sealing off the outside elements etc, then I can see this being a good effort. Leaving it open and cold wind flying through won't exactly attract in the winter months.....