Box office have tweeted to say they were instructed to sell the tickets in a certain order, and it's only the first block that's sold out, not the actual allocation. 2nd block should be available now. They've also said that that if you're buying more than one ticket they will be together even if the seat numbers aren't consecutive. Apparently it's due to the area being being curved...
We’ll get up to around 3.5k in total (if required), if memory serves from previous trips. I’m undecided on going to this game from a moral point of view. Knowing what they’ve done to local businesses and how they are fleecing the tax-man etc. Basically writing off tonnes of debt to start again and they’re already paying ridiculous wages to players as if nothing has happened. Would feel like I’m enabling that behaviour in my own tiny way. Infact if I were the club I wouldn’t have gone down the reciprocal pricing route with Derby. They’ll be 15 points clear by the time they come to Oakwell and would fill the away end anyway. I’d rinse the horrible, arrogant tw@tz for every penny I could.
I bet you it's twice the price. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if I can get to Derby and get back, and go to the match for cheaper than I can do Wednesday (and I'll be walking to that one).
Just had a look; Pompey were charged £28 for an adult ticket, Charlton have been charged £26 for an adult ticket. No £20 agreement but then a big difference from the £36 or £38 we were charged last time. I'm not saying we won't be charged that again, maybe they make a special allowance for us i.e. the club they don't really care about but secretly really do.