Not for away games, at the point of early bird iFollow for home games wasn’t confirmed, the season tickets were vastly discounted as we didn’t know when we’d be allowed in ! There was a £48 shirt colour of your choice. No idea what happens at the end of the season or if it’s cancelled which is highly likely ? But to blame the club for the EFL profiteering is like Wigan fans blaming us for their relegation it’s ludicrous. Think people have taken the away game offering for granted ! To reiterate it’s appalling from the EFL but I don’t see why the club should be blamed or forced to apologise for something which is not their doing. I got an email before Christmas explaining the situation and I curs3d the EFL but the email said it wasn’t the club and was out of their hands so why should I look for anything else or someone to blame from BFC ? Pour yourself a sherry and either spend your tenner or don’t
Using your logic, it is only possible to be concerned about one thing at once. I hope you never expressed the wish that someone you love should have a happy Christmas - you should grow the 'Fuk' up. The happiness, or otherwise, of their Christmas is not for you to worry about this year. Not in the middle of a global pandemic. That was a lovely Christmas dinner. Grow the 'Fuk' up - nobody wants your opinion. Not in the middle of a global pandemic. Aren't Barnsley doing well? Grow the 'Fuk' up and show some respect - people are dying out there. In the middle of a global pandemic.
I paid for everything the Red Reserved+ gave me - which includes the Rotherham game. P.s. I love how we can be civil when talking about beer and baths, but behave like teenagers otherwise. Sorry for being a tool, hope you're well.
No, because that wasn't part of the Reserved+ 'seasonal membership' marketing. Midweek games were. (And, for Stoke, I got the spinning circle all evening. I paid for that, too, and didn't get it.)
What the bloody hell are you on about? My erratic response to him was his constant baiting and moaning about things that aren’t really others have stated he likes to make a mountain out of a mole hill......and yes it is possible to be concerned about more than one subject at once but wittering on about a poxy code that is out of the clubs hands isn’t that important is it in the grand scheme of things? Now folk sleeping rough and people dying of this horrendous virus is important in my humble that enough for you?
I get it’s frustrating but like I’ve said when I renewed my season ticket it was subject to EFL confirmation streaming of games, I took a leap of faith knowing I’d at lest miss a couple of games and fully expected that we’d be able to watch games on what is a pretty poor platform (has been better this season), i was pleased when it was announced a little disappointed when away games midweek only and I’ve now chalked this season off from being able to attend, I haven’t applied for a bubble seems pointless way it’s going but sat 2 hrs with a mask in the cold nowhere near the shelter of another person not able to have a pint isn’t for me! I was disappointed if not furious with what’s happened with Tuesday being classed as a Saturday but I don’t blame the club and in all honesty I don’t think I have paid for it. Even though we got the last 9 games both home and away irrespective of the day it fell on(Leeds and Brentford were on sky), I still got a refund for not being able to attend! I think I could have donated towards the academy ( I use the facilities to play football on a Thursday) but didn’t see why I should pay when we have mega rich owners FFP or the model aside.
Then please go and cure the virus, and fix homelessness, instead of posting on here. Concentrate on what's important.
People still appear to be dying. Log off at once, and attend to it. (I'm not interested in whether you think I'm a clown. Not in the middle of a global pandemic. Virologists like you should grow the 'Fuk' up and get curing. Express your opinion of me once you've eradicated Covid-19.)
I have to call this out. The 'Marketing' when the VAST majority bought their tickets said all away games, subject to EFL approval. I doubt many (if any) bought after it was announced saturday games wouldn't be included. That was after the early bird ended and when the season was just about to start.