It wasn't the block behind the dugouts, it was further down along the stand. I don't think I explained very well what I meant by the view being blocked. Think about where you sit and then imagine there being a big box raised up where the preedy flag is. You'd be able to see the pitch in front of you but if you looked towards the corner flag it would be blocked by that box. That's what the corner of the pitch was like for me due to the dugouts
The problem isn't there, its their problem in waiting. The fickle ones I mean. It is a relic I am not defending that fact. But gior defending em when they have other opportunities knowing full well that if they wait till the last minute it may be the only option left. Bizzare.
Well said. **** the fans the west stand is brilliant. Fickle fans expecting half decent facilities and to be able to see the pitch? What absolute fickle tossers. They had heir chance **** em
Dunt talk ****** I've given em an option, . Fan "Guess what mate I'm a fickle person. I'm going to wait till all other sections of the ground are full till I go for a ticket. " Other fan "Why" Fan " cos i can then go to the ground and not buy a ticket cos the west stand is the only option." Other fan "why" Fan " cos it's a relic and I'm fickle about where I sit" Done. I don't give a toss about such fans that can't be bothered to take up other options when available if that helps.
LADS - we are one win away from Wembley. Two away from an immediate return to the second tier. Positive vibes, positive vibes.
No it's you saying the West Stand isn't fit for purpose and it's preventing us selling tickets (which is rubbish) and Hooky saying if that's the case based on YOUR HYPOTHESIS then those fans are fickle. You've crafted a scenario - a fantasy - and are now using it against Hooky. And Hooky is the one who is actually wanting more in the stadium by utilising and advocating for the west; you are the one who is saying essentially the west is holding us back and people don't want to sit there. You're saying to Whitey the 'fan rep' is calling fans fickle for not buying tickets when the club is begging fans to buy tickets, but then you're the one who is trashing the west, where tickets are still available. As for Hooky (i didn't even know he was a fan rep - but perhaps you could sign up too, you have plenty of ideas??), he's been nothing but gracious and respectful to fellow fans in my experience. So let's not get all economical with the truth. I know you're not Khaled's biggest fan, but if you really want to heed the club's call, then as Khaled (and Whitey) has said, positive vibes man Maybe cool off on your rants about the 'rusty relic' and focus on us getting the win on Friday
The simple fact is that people are not buying tickets in the west stand because they do not want to sit there. That's no my opinion it's a fact
It's not a fact, you can't prove it. Some may be holding off - me included - to see if they can get the afternoon off on Friday to travel up. It's donkeys years since i sat in the west, but if I end up there I'm cool with that. In fact, it'll be a bit of a novelty, to see a match from the side (I usually sit behind the goal), and to see our 3 best stands from that vantage point. As for Hooky, he's had some lies about him on here in the last few months.. let's show a bit of respect for a fellow red. He's a good bloke and he cares.
For the past week there’s been talk of splitting the North stand, which is probably why people have been holding off. I’m waiting for payday, so don’t call me fickle!
Appreciated mate. Exactly as I was trying to portray. (Re your next post) i am a part of the fan engagement. And other groups. I speak up for the fans as much and more than most on lots of things I would say not only benefit the fans but the club in return. I don't hold back as some would try to say a happy Clapper would. But I'm also respectful of the meetings. Ask SYP. As well. Pretty sure YT would testify to that.
I love the lower West, especially on a sunny day. It's just the toilet facilities are not fit for purpose for anyone except a male needing a pee. As my wife and daughter often go with me, that's a problem. As I've mentioned on here before, I used to be a massive West Stand preserver, but as half of it can't be used, and it's pretty much impossible to take a dump or indeed change a tampon there if the need arises, I'm now firmly of the belief that its time has come, at least in its current incarnation. I guess if we could redevelop it in the same way that Plymouth have refurbished the Mayflower Stand then that could be looked at, but the facilities would certainly need a major revamp.
I didn't call you that. But if you wait till the west stand is full, there are no guarantees the north stand will open. And you may miss the game. Your dilemma. That is your prerogative. not fickle. Theres a difference in the argument. It all depends how sales go as to whether the club consider it to open. If theres a mad rush in the next day. They may well open it. But if not sold out by thursday say. They may consider it's not worthwhile in the sense of all the expenditure. Given how the share of gate money is distributed in the play offs. Let's hope we sell out by today or tomorrow at least. to hopefully get your wish.
Poor health, financial problems, can't change work shift all understandable reasons for not going, everyone else who claims to be a Barnsley fan must be there. I wouldn't care where we sat as long as we were in the ground. I would travel for hours to get there and back, Its more than a promotion to the championship its a town showing its commitment to our club to demonstrate that we as a group are worth investing in. Watching on sky because you can't be arsed because the seats at the ground arent as comfortable as your settee and you dont have to queue for a beer at home isn't acceptable, Barnsley people need to join together for one night at Oakwell.