Handbag fight on the town hall steps and the winner gets to decide the club crest? No hair pulling allowed
Speaking as an AR, Environmental activist, this is a pointless gesture, probably dreamed up by some corporate tool on £100k a year. WWF kept the same logo for decades, for a species heading into natural extinction. & I lost count on how many of our rallies against fox hunting & badger cull, the WWF mugged with their own campaigning. It’s obviously a complete waste of time, evidenced by you lot discussing the design of the Barnsley insignia? Before sitting down to an dinner of dead body parts. oh well..
I can assure you there's absolutely no dead body parts on my plate Mr C, nor will there ever be again. If you offered me a grand to eat a 'steak' right now I wouldn't take it.
I haven’t eaten Red meat either, today that is but I’m foaming at the mouth with talk of steak. now our badge is fine
You know we never stay on topic! And @YTBFC there could be a local competition to design a new crest?
I know it didn't happen like that under Ben's watch last time, but I'd like to think that were the club to ever revisit the idea of a new crest, they'd be wise enough to at least canvass opinion, get feedback etc from the supporters.