In a nutshell. The core of the problem is right there. Maybe Daniel was onto something? You're right of course, the dust will settle, we'll get a new manager, players will move on, wounds will heal. But then one day in the future it will all happen again, and the BBS will go into meltdown again. In the midst of my emotion, I just wish there was another way to run the club.
I haven’t shad a tear but I did spend last night booing my phone but then I got a bit carried away cos I started to boo everything, the kettle for not boiling fast enough, the toilet flusher cos it broke, to be fair I probably shouldn’t have booed my Mrs for not having my tea ready but hey ho
Tbf I've been sleeping badly for a few weeks now ( not due to football or anything else in particular) but this saga was one more thing to go round my mind at 3 o clock in the morning!
I’m not worried mate, she knows her place and who wears the trousers and if she kicks up a fuss she can do her own ironing in the future