Smaller forks, bigger forks upside down; smaller knives, bigger knives upside down; dessert spoons, tablespoons upside down; teaspoons at front pointing to left, soup spoons in front pointing to right. All other paraphanalia to right of the tray loose in the drawer. (When I say upside down I mean pointing towards front of drawer not prongs touching drawer bottom).
Haha, I actually love this cutlery set. We got it as a wedding present and they're a really nice solid weight. The only problem is that when I use cutlery anywhere else now it feels really thin and cheap. Edit: we had the same kinds at home growing up (but not the same quality).
Mine are quite weighty too and I know exactly what you mean when you use lightweight stuff although I only have the standard one type of each thing so I'm clearly not as posh as you I do have 8 of each though which I think is quite weird since u live in my own
reasonable amount - think there are about 24 of each here - not my doing - and there are 43 coffee mugs in various cupboards - (counted them recently) -- the word hoarding comes to mind!
We have 8 mugs from a set and 8 teacups from the same set (also a wedding present with matching saucers, soup plates, side plates, dinner plates, cereal bowls, one big salad bowl, and a gravy jug) and then about 10 random mugs I didn't want to get rid of.
At a party to celebrate a milestone wedding anniversary long in the future **** wedding DJ: so what has been the best thing about your marriage? Will: I get to see jamdrops beautiful face every day. She makes me laugh constantly and makes me smile just from thinking of her. She has made my life complete Jamdrop; You should see my cutlery set
****, knife, fork, spoon Teaspoon Teabags, sugar, coffee mate Coffee, hot choc Like to play a good 4 1 3 2 With no keeper With a wine cooler on the bench to the right
I’ve not even started yet on all the wine glasses, champagne flutes, pans and various small electrical kitchen items we got. After having one plate, mug, knife, fork and spoon at uni each it’s like the Disneyworld of kitchens!
Left hand slot - spreading knives, my yoghurt spoons*, scissors Next slot - forks Next slot - knives Right hand slot - tablespoons, dessert spoons Front slot - teaspoons, long spoons, my wife's yoghurt spoons* * an arrangement that pre-dates social distancing
I like to put 1 of each into the wrong tray, the mrs goes mental. Found our wedding present cutlery set in the loft last month which we’ve never used in 18 years. Flimsiest cutlery ever so I left it up there.