Absolutely. Banning achieves absolutely Nothing in this type of case. Some will take it on the chin and make sure they don’t drop ******** in the future. So to speak. But will not have change in attitude. Education is the way. And that may even change nowt if forced. life experience the biggy for me. And as education in these type of things begin young. Attitudes will change at an earlier stage. Ban religion In schools. Preach tolerance of one another.
Punishment is valid at any point. If you choose to share rancid views on a public forum then you should be held to account regardless of when you posted it or when it gets discovered. I've zero sympathy and I hope the punishment deters people from making the same mistakes.
It's the fact that's where we automatically go. Bans, punishment, cancel. At a point when society is low enough already.. There's no irony lost, on me anyway, that the same people who call for redemption, becoming better people, learning from mistakes, etc. are the same who want the harshest punishments at a time when they're not needed. I think what happened to him last week will deter a fair few people from making the same foolish mistakes. I also think he could inspire more kids than the punishment deters - shame we didn't focus on that more to improve society in a positive light.
Not making same mistakes can be achieved, But that doesn’t change a persons mindset. That’s the main aim.
Cant see him playing again. Look at Alex Hales. Recreational drug use i believe. Great one day cricketer . Wont get a look in again.
Sometimes just saying sorry isn't enough though. If he'd have highlighted it himself then I'd take a different view.
Why would he highlight it himself? Why would he remember tweets, fired off without a thought or care from eight years ago, when those kind of attitudes and behaviours are a million miles away from where he is now? I'd be more worried if he did remember them to be honest. I feel like for some people in today's world sorry isn't ever enough - straight to punish and cancel with zero wider perspective.
How far would you like to go back. He didn’t rape anyone. Kill anyone. And what Will banning him do in this instance. Prevent anyone from making the same mistakes. Possibly . Will it change attitudes. Debatable. And surely that is the main aim. Which can only be achieved through education. The earlier the better. What the young England football players did in respect of ignoring Covid rules. Getting banned to teach em a lesson was warranted. This case. I have a different perspective. On it’s overall achievement. Except to cover the ECB’s backside. On being seen to appease the public. A warning of his conduct and education. (if it helps) would have satisfied me personally. But my opinion is no more relevant than others how they see it. Just opinion.
When I took the job at the NHS my disclosure came back clear. However, my then manager got me in for an informal chat before my first shift and asked me for a "final time" if there was anything I'd like to disclose. I told her about a spot fine I got for drunk and disorderly and she told me it was good I got it off my chest because it could have brought about my dismissal at a later date. This thing with Ollie Robinson could and should have been avoided with due diligence. It should have been explained to him after his selection that the ECB were doing a bit of promotion during the first test and asked if there was owt that could come back and bite him on the arse.
How far back? As far back as necessary. If people are prepared to put crap like that on the internet they should be prepared for the fallout at whatever point it's discovered. Yes it wasn't murder or rape, but it was blatant racism. Do we start turning a blind eye to historical crimes?
Where has anyone suggested this? Nowhere has this even been hinted at. Why do people run away with the truth when pushing a narrative? This is about a ban and what that achieves and the rush to be severe, punish and cancel. There's been a fallout. This hasn't been swept under the rug. It's just the ECB being as useless as they tend to always be and not being progressive.
Fair enough. On that point we disagree. I never said he shouldn’t be reprimanded. Open the floodgates. To bans.
This is the point^ But possibly not the one you intended to make. If 9 years ago I’d been a bit racist but now I definitely wasn’t, I’d go back and remove the racism. If I thought that 9 years ago my views were acceptable then I wouldn’t feel the need to remove them. But surely that means I’m probably still a bit racist
Surely though if in the light of all the race issues and indeed gender issues around sport he'd have realised that at 18 he was prone to using racist and sexist language including the n word and that wasn't acceptable. If he doesn't remember feeling like that then I really doubt he's truly changed.[/QUOTE]
Beggars belief that someone has been called out for racism but the ECB is being hauled over the coals for not trawling back through someone's social media postings. Too many people are quick to wave away racism, especially when it's someone they like or if they think they've been hard done by. In my view, racism (historic or otherwise) needs cracking down on as hard as possible.