Very impressive. Both goals were scored at the Kop end. Another incident in that match involved Alan Little, our midfield hard man. In the second half, one of the Aldershot players committed a particularly nasty foul on him. After receiving treatment, Little got up and carried on playing without a word of complaint. However, everyone in Oakwell (fans, players and even the referee) knew what was to come. Sure enough, a few minutes later, Little kicked the player who had fouled him, so hard that the lad, when he eventually came back down to Earth he was covered in snow! The referee simply shrugged his shoulders, gave a free kick and carried on as if nothing serious had happened!
I’ve sussed it out. You must have every last home match programme going back to the 6 I remember that Alan Little challenge well. Think the Aldershot player did a double somersault before landing in a heap.
I'm starting to think that people deliberately mis-remember stuff, just to see if @JLWBigLil will catch them out.
There definitely was a special cos I was on it with the old man. We had to run the gauntlet all the way back to the train station. I can well recall some Bradford fans trying to pull a policeman off his horse.