This concert absolutely destroyed me last night. In my opinion it will go down in legend like Live Aid has. Although the vast majority weren't who I would choose to listen to normally, it really was a who's who of todays pop music scene. And when Liam walked on stage, I seriously lost my ****! Credit needs to go to Ariana Grande and her management for putting it on and making it a cracking night. And don't get me started on the bit where the coppers were dancing with all the kids in the crowd. It turned me into a bubbling wreck, and filled me pride. Seeing the Bobbies interact with the public is something that we don't see enough anymore since the funding cuts have left them threadbare.
Black eyed peas: if you only have love for your own race Then you only leave space to discriminate And to discriminate only generates hate Mikey and Ariana: They come To build a wall between us We know they won't win A great concert. Not just for the entertainment or the songs but for the passion shown by each and every one of those in attendance. It just have been extremely hard for a lot of those kids to go and watch and just as hard for some of the singers knowing why they were there especially Ariana. But **** me they sent out a message. You can try as much as you want but you will NEVER grind us down. Black, white. English, American. Religious or atheist Men and women They all stood together to say **** you ISIS. We are bigger and better people than you cowards will ever be.
I thought it was amazing, I'm not the one to get too emotional at stuff on tv but I had a tear in my eye a couple of times. Never thought I'd nearly be in tears listening to the Black Eyed Peas but what a brilliant event and message to send out.