Let him be happy! And it's this stupid govt going on about giving us back our " freedoms" wish we had a grown up govt.
I’ll continue to be careful especially indoors while ever the infection rates are high. I’ll use my own judgement, if someone wants to go to a nightclub when over 30k people a day are catching it good luck to them. I’ll be adjusting my behaviour based on the data.
No wonder folk have got so het up about wearing masks with the language sone of these covid deniers come out with!
Tonight, I had a serious conversation with my wife. I asked her whether she thought I should return to Oakwell following the relaxation of the COVID rules. She said, it was nothing to do with her, but I insisted that it was. You see, if I get COVID, there is a good chance that I will pass it on.... to her, my daughter and her partner and their 8 month old son. I did not think it was right that I took that decision for my own selfish reasons. Having had that discussion, I shall not return to Oakwell immediately. Instead, I shall watch on iPlayer and I shall observe. Make no mistake, with COVID infection rates rising by the day, this is a government trial. They want to see what the result of putting the management of the pandemic back into the hands of the people will be. I must say that this thread is very depressing for the probable outcome of that experiment.
Its basically impossible currently really. But I meant that I can go to football, nightclubs, concerts