Was trying to think food-wise what Ive refused to try at least once and tripe is definitely one of those. Not a big fan of kidney or liver either
I'm not sure it is that. I have a much stronger tolerance to smells that the missus - but I just can't stand the smell of coffee. Indeed, there are some smells that she thinks absolutely stink that I can't even smell
Coleslaw, although I have tried the individual ingredients on their own never all together! Just one of those things that has never appealed to me.
I've never had a pint in the Nevison Leap, Conservative Club, R.A.F Club, Prince of Wales Club or The Robin Hood in Pontefract. Staggering considering the amount of booze I've put away and how long I'd lived in Pontefract.
Had kidney and liver at school - never again through choice. Probably the same with Kimchi... and not mussels/squid/octopus after the last time...
There’s nothing that’s not unusual I’d refuse to eat, though I’m not keen on over sweet things, so sticky toffee pudding is probably the only thing I could put on this list. Altbough… I love bananas, strawberries, coffee. But I can’t stand the smell of banana, coffee or strawberry ’flavoured’ items, they’re just wrong.