Further to my previous post I can relate to a similar situation to that of Chris Rock but with a different outcome. Many years ago in a different atmosphere to what is deemed acceptable both comedy and socially correct these days, I was working a venue in Huddersfield. I was billed that night has if easily offended then this show isn't for you. I was on the slightly raised platform that was the venues stage. My act openly encouraged heckling and I prided myself in seeing the audience finding themselves rooted to their chairs from the fear off the micky taking out of them if they got up ..no doubt many have been in this very said situation when watching comics ...its open season to a comic or it was back then if anybody got up On this particular night in question all started off well and any comic will tell you there's always one in the audience that takes heckling off at a tangent shouting out the punch line at times and starts spoiling it for others enjoyment and I had one, who was drunk and seeking his 2 minutes of fame at my expense or so he thought...The banter between us became a dual in his eyes a dual that he soon realised he was losing and instead of folk laughing with him they were laughing at him and he was been ripped a new backside in fast replies. Suddenly the banter stopped and the foul mouthed threats started with threats of violence towards me which I attempted to defuse with further humour ...suddenly the table he was sat at went up in the air drinks all over and he hurriedly made his way towards me on stage shouting more obscenities and threats of violence against me, followed by the door staff and his wife shouting no stop it As he approached me ...I causually put the microphone into my left hand saying is this what you want...here ...and passed it to him....from then on it all then happened in a flash like a scene from the matrix..as he took the microphone out of my left hand with a rather puzzled look of bewilderment across his face I punched him square on in his face...the weight of the puch causing him to drop backwards the mic went up in the air I caught it and strode away saying and that's why you shouldn't heckle the comic or words to that effect the audience exploded into spontaneous laughter the door security dragged him out and I continued with my act....the night finished without any further trouble...His wife, family and friends couldn't have been more apologetic if they tried after the show ....even to this day I'm convinced if I hadn't done what I did he would have carried out his threats.... I later found out he'd done a similar thing previously I'm not proud off what I did but it was one of those situations whereby my options were very limited and was a case of hurt or be hurt....and yet the situation was funny in a weird way and like the Rock Smith slap / punch some even thought it was part of the act for some strange reason.
I thought when I first saw it, if a big fella like will had connected with that he'd have floored him. Hard to tell but I thought he was smiling aswell. Weird.
He definitely had a smirk as he walked away. I'm still not convinced, but regardless it's just not a good look for anyone involved. I also think stronger action would have been taken had it been genuine. All very, very strange.
For me the most shocking thing about this whole incident is that Chris Rock is apparently 57 years old.
You could play this after any of the last, what, ten years of Oscars and it would still have some relevance?
Will Smith isn't a very nice human, if you do enough reading up on the bloke. Narcissist would seem a fair reflection. He 'seemingly' (based on all available literature - some of it from him himself, his own autobiography) cares too much about how 'he' is perceived by the public. The way I saw it was, Chris Rock (a comedic host) was making fun of the guests (as is normal) and the reaction from Smith was probably justified if it'd have happened backstage, post-event. For Smith to do what he did live, during the Oscars, it screams attention. And like I say, if you read up on Will, it's right up his street. Ricky Gervais once spoke about how, backstage at the Golden Globes he was fretting over how folk would react to his earlier stuff on the microphone. And for me, that's fair enough. I understand the 'joke' side of things, but if anyone is offended, then take it up with them after the event. To do it publicly like that just screams 'look at me'. My two penneth.
It was totally false. If I'd have been Chris Rock I'd have lamped him back. Scripted. I'm more surprised people watch this 5 hit e.
If you're trying to be a bit pedantic and argumentative maybe. I'm pretty sure you knew what I meant with the quote attributed in your post and the previous winners getting standing ovations from the same crowd (and probably Jim Carey himself).
I think next year it should be hosted by Ricky Gervais as I reckon he could get someone worked up enough to come on the stage and if someone did hit him he would be the type to hit them back.
To be honest when I saw your quote I assumed it was about the video attached. I've only just watched it and can now see why he was a bit confused about your comment, especially the play bit. I think you're being a bit harsh suggesting he's being argumentative and pedantic.
Maybe. Apologise if so (as always) but you in return you can only interpret something the way you read it. Easy to make suggestions like this when you haven't typed or read something though isn't it? Also easy to hit like on almost.every.reply I ever get.
He posted a link to a video and you make reference to you could play it for any previous Oscar. It didn't make sense and I got the impression you may not have watched the video when replying to him. I'm not sure what the last bit about likes is regarding, sorry.
There was also a big quote in the tweet and the post. A line from the video that could have been played at multiple Oscars over the last decade. It really isn't a hill worth dying on and was more to highlight that this isn't the first time the Hollywood elite have celebrated someone with a chequered past (even if not as recent as an hour before).