Sorry ... it's Rapido Trains not Accurascale !!! Attached is their web page for the Hunslet 16 inch ST 0 6 0. I have Arthur on order as I think it's the nearest one to the old Darfield No. 1 for colour and bits and pieces. I can order a new nameplate Darfield No.1 from another company to replace the Arthur name, then get it weathered by someone like TMC of Beck Hole near Goathland to match the photo. Tried to put their page on but won't let me do it. Here is the link to the page.
The wife work in social care and used to visit a lady who's grandfather used to drive the Scotsman in the 1930's. The lady had a beautiful large clock of the Scotsman on her mantel piece. Personally, rode behind Scotsman for my son's 11th birthday when it visited Barrowhill yard a few years ago. Also drove out on to Anglesey whilst in North Wales to see her run from Holyhead about 5 years ago