Motorway driving standards are horrific for sure. People just sitting the middle and outer lanes, often not even doing 70. 61 in a 60 does seem incredibly harsh. On the flip side tough because of how speedometers are designed, the likelihood is to be doing 61 your friends speedo probably said he was going faster than that.
Having thought on this, as I've just posted above the reality is that if we are just doing say 31 32 occasionally we are probably never speeding in reality due to how the Speedos are designed.
As a general rule speed cameras allow 10% + 2mph(sometimes a little more). Depending on when it happened and the size of the van it could have been that the van had a 50 limit. As an example a few years ago we introduced a number of VW Caddy’s to the fleet, not a big van but were only allowed to do 50 in a 60.
Camera vans aren’t real police - you can park your van and obstruct them and they can do f-all about it, apparently. The one near us parks opposite the school, I don’t have any issue with that personally.
That’s exactly what the guy on the speed awareness course told the mrs, like I said she was doing 4mph over the limit, he said it’s all down to the discretion of the court,
A freedom of information request revealed it was true but that it varies slightly between police forces
Hmm Id like to know the circumstances that doesnt sound quite right unless there is some missing information. Id have thought there would be more tolerence build in unless its an add on to another offence. As an aside there are times when it is safer to very briefly go a few mph over the limit even though technically illegal than to stick rigidly to it to create space for other cars maybe joining or wanting to change lane. These days I try quite hard to stay legal on motorways - just too many cameras but unless you devote more attention to the limit and your speedometer than to what is happening on the road its almost impossible to never go so much as 1mph over the limit I have no issue with speed limits in any built up areas and think that at times they are if anything too high - 20mph in housing estates and around schools at least around the times kids are ariving and leaving would be a great idea. (Though I am not so sure about the welsh idea to make all roads with street lights 20mph with just a few exceptions) Its "smart" motorways and gantries I have a problem with. Its rare for me to drive to Wombwell without encountering at least one of the following: random limits on gantries which change for no obvious reason when traffic is light so you get a couple at 60 then one at 50 or even 40 then back to 60 again with no explanation or traffic to justify. Overhead gantry limits but then all of a sudden the gantries are not showing any limit sometimes its just one or 2 that are out and the limit is back the next sign, other times thats it - and you have to guess if its clear to drive at 70 again and most dangerous of all - especially late when its quiet a 40 limit or in some cases a 20 limit which on a 5 lane motorway with little traffic is just asking to be hit from behind - you are left either driving at the speed limit in fear of your life and eyes firmly in the mirror or risking a large fine
South Yorkshire police confirmed in 2019 that the 25 cameras in the county used a tolerance of 10% plus 2mph
I’ve had this a few times, people flying past at 70 when my gantry said 30 or 40… then no other sign. So had to stick with the last one I’ve seen.
Not on smart motorways, you need to be doing the exact limit as you go under the gantry. I was having this conversation with someone at work on Friday who’d been done doing 55 in 50. The sign had lit up and she was letting her car slow itself and was done. They told her on the course that it’s from the exact second you reach it and there’s no tolerance. I remember reading about that when they first became a thing too.
Most forces' static vans allow 10% plus 2mph. North Yorks for instance doesn't. It isn't a myth at all.
They told us on the awareness course to knock 10 miles an hour OFF for van's. One woman on the course said she had been caught again while waiting for the course date but was in a van ,that's when he said it's 10 less. But it was explained in more depth later.
You also get people who are wise to what gantries have speed cameras and which don't. I know exactly which have on my stretch of M1 to Leeds for instance.
No mate. The limit is the limit. It is up to the prosecuting authority whether they exercise discretion, but you are guilty if you exceed the limit by one mile per hour, and if the court is satisfied of that evidence it must convict you. The best explanation of the exercise of the discretion to issue proceedings (in line with the ACPO guidance) I have found is here: What is the "10%+2" rule and what does it mean? - Road Law Barristers
Not sure that is right - the below confirms what I was told by Highways England when I did some work for them.
I think the law changed ref vans a couple of years ago for ‘normal roads’ not sure about smart motorways.