I reckon there’s only 15 years left of mass speeding fines. Not long now until the cars are either self driving or won’t physically let you speed unless they somehow sense an emergency
Well I break if necessary I also change gear to slow the car and ease off the accelerator in advance of the speed changing. I don't believe the idea is you HAVE to do 40 rigjt upto the poin tit drops to 30. The road may be empty but it will be 30 for a reason. Cars could pull out pedestrians may try and cross.
Yes (start slowing on approach to reach 30 at the correct point, don't get there at 40 and slam on), and yes. Why do you think the speed limit doesn't apply when going downhill?
That's because it's not the same speed as a car . He was 11 above not 1 . National 60 single 70 dual for a car . Van 10 less apart from M/w
Go on www.gov.uk Type in search engine smart motorways highways England. 20 minute video clearing up all your uncertainty about them . It's free . Don't get caught out on them and have to take 3 points plus 100 quid, or go on motorway compliance course for 90 quid. It's all there for you free.
my daughter reckons it's only male drivers who tailgate female drivers ! - they're not tailgating because they're in a rush they're just being tw**s who like intimidating women. On one occasion looking in her mirror she could see this guy making obscene gestures at her!
It's just a concession they don't have to apply it its just ACPO guidance. Accociation Chief police Officers. In North Wales there's zero tolerance.
The cameras de activate for 10 seconds . But it is down to the police how many seconds time grace after the camera re loads.
The main problem with smart motorways is because of the increase of drivers we have gone 4 lanes with many smart motorways having no hard shoulder. Someone brakes down goes in the far left lane puts hazards on and its either extremely dangerous prior to the matrix sign changing to a red cross or it changes to a red cross and brain dead people dont realise or use the anyway.
No problem With speed vans placed in spots where there has been many accidents and speeding is a problem. in Featherstone they sit on a road where there’s been a few fatal accidents over the years at around 3am by drunken speeding motorist. the police use these accidents to justify sitting in rush hour traffic between the 30/40 sign trying to catch folk doing 36mph. It’s wrong it’s just a cash cow. folk are driving safely and may just drift over the limit. if these roads are such a problem put permanent cameras there
What I would advise anyone is make sure your at or below the speed limit and you won't contribute to their cash cow . Your right sometimes there not always in a place for road safety. Just don't let em generate income .
You said that staying at 30mph is the hardest thing anyone can do. If you're having difficulty with that, you're a danger to other road users and pedestrians. How did I make an assumption when I literally quoted your post. 30mph speed limits aren't there to piss off drivers, statistically you're dramatically less likely to kill or seriously injure someone in an accident at 30mph than you are at 40mph, or even 35mph.
The instructor said if you're having to drive 20 or 30 or for a while on street roads stay in 2nd 3rd gear and you won't exceed the limit.
Yeah like a school ? 01:00 in morning between mid-July & September won’t be many kids not paying attention in blazers tho will there ?
Any chance of a link I cant find it with a quick search Id love to know how it explains going from gantry signs illuminated with a limit to signs being blank with no end of limit sign for example
That means driving less than the speed limit at times. The limit is always the maximum but it may be appropriate to do less.
In the dark, a care worker crossing the road after a late shift? Sorry speed limits apply at all hours of the day.