Exactly Andy, Ponte Road is like a racing track at night, I've always said put a camera up,problem solved.
As far as I'm aware there are strict rules on where they can site them. There has to have been accidents where someone has been killed or seriously injured there.
If anyone tailgates me, I slow down to 25 - or even 20. Just for the lols (and because they are that close that it is dangerous to go faster)...
Wish I was that savvy at sending links. I know once on the gov Web site you can find it thru search engine.
I do exactly the same and still many of them don't get it. I'm generally happier if they just overtake me and clear off.
Me too. I know I should just drive normally but as you say, the advice has always been to slow down. Depending on how I’m feeling I’ll either pull over so they can just go past and I can forget about them or I’ll just happen to miss each traffic light before it goes red. So unfortunate.
As I said higher up the thread if he was pulled at 1mph over then it's likely his speedo was showing around 3-5 Mph over. Potentially more. So yes unfortunate and a touch harsh but still he would have been aware his speed was high.
Depends on who's version it was a dual carriageway. For example Stocksbridge by pass as 2 lanes ,but its a single carriageway. National speed limit van 50 mph.
Its only a dual carriageway if it has a central reservation - its nothing to do with the number of lanes if its a 4 lane road with just a white line down the middle thats a single carriageway Some bright spark has had this idea it makes the A31 safer in some places to make it only one lane in each direction painting out the 2 lanes and just having one now - this does make sense where there is a right turn so it can have its own lane but none at all where there is a joining road where now you cant move over to allow slow traffic to join. but its still 70 there due to it being a dual carriageway even though there is only only lane and I guess someone forgot to request a lower speed limit on it
I know This I am a driver trainer it's the normal driver / van driver that's confused. But thanks for the clarification.
Me too. If someone behind can't leave an adequate stopping distance, then I slow to a speed that feels safe for the size of the gap. It's no skin off my nose. I'm retired. I have all day to get where I'm going...
Hang on, are you saying that downhill you go at whatever speed your car will roll at? I bloody hope not in a 30mph zone past a school because I can quite comfortably coast (in gear but without applying the accelerator at all) downhill from birdwell to worsbrough at 60mph. If you do that in a 30 just because it's bonkers to apply the brakes when going downhill then you're a danger
I admit I didn't know this until I did a speed awareness course, which was for my first offence in 25 years although I found the course interesting and it did make me more aware of speed. I reckon I am a better driver for it. I always thought it was when there are multiple lanes in each direction. But the way it was explained was that if there is some obstacle in the middle between the lanes in each direction, then it's a duel carriageway. Could be a barrier, could be a raised platform, central reservation, call it what you will. He said if you cant roll a marble from one side of the road to the other because something in the middle will get in the way, dual carriageway. Some wag then asked if this included a dead hedgehog
The M42 around Solihull is a nightmare for exactly this. 11pm at night, virtually nothing on the road and they reduce the limit to 40mph 5 miles in advance of a lane closure. You literally have to take your life in your hands. The people who set the limit this way have clearly never had to do the driving through such a zone otherwise they would realise how utterly dangerous it is.
Yes. Are you saying you don't??? Why on earth not? Actually, in an EV, I just turn the regen up to max. It does the braking for you and coming down the steep hill that is High Street in South Elmsall, I can add 2 miles back to my range doing that. Free energy.
You av opened a can of worms, and speeding is a crime, however trying to convict someone for flashing headlights would be hard, and if i was you, buy some ear plugs
That's fine but for a new young driver being tailgated is intimidating. A young driver may not have the confidence to slow down. Daughter (18) says the last time it happened she could see in the mirror the guy doing obscene gestures at her. She pulled in to a bus stop and let the car pass her. I suspect t**t tailgaters only do it to people they can bully/intimidate.
That’s exactly what I’m saying I’d cover the brake but wouldn’t slow down braking heavily just to fetch it down to 30