Mister Conway & co got it terribly wrong yet again in terms of player recruitment & manager recruitment. Bit of a shambles really.
For me Benson is the only plug-and-play recruitment who has quality, the others are either, too young and inexperienced, not fit, not good enough (according to the coaches lineups) or not ours. Letting ye man go to Ipswich who wasn't everyones cup of tea, but surely can't have been any worse then Odour up front can also be blamed as part of the recruitment process - no doubt moved on to make room for strikers who we either have no prospect of seeing or couldn't play anyway because of visa and fitness and now can't get a start or aren't good enough in the case of Cole. Like you say, maybe they should be judged under another coach, and he was asking for experience, but he got Benson who's played in the premier league, so who knows.
I know next to sod all about anything and I knew this was a massive mistake. It’s clear he just jumps from one contract to another and then just picks up the money. Can’t believe our so called recruitment team fell into the trap. Must have been cheap. (I wonder why)
Both Carlton and Cauley each have 4x as many career appearances as Oulare yet they are all in their mid twenties. There’s no comparison
How long is "the foreseeable future"? Is it longer than a Woodrow fortnight? Looking ahead, I can see Halloween, my birthday (November), and Xmas on the horizon. So I'm guessing we won't see this lad until 2022, if at all.
He's on a thee year contract. Cancel his contract, unless its for gross misconduct or the guy agrees to waive his contract (never going to happen unless he has something else lined up equally or more lucrative), and you've three years of salary to find in one go. In which case, you might as well keep him, try and get him fit, and aim to get some payback from the deal.
What a wasteman. The main thing we need up front is a big lad in the mould of Dike, and he's unlikely to ever make an appearance. ******* brilliant.
At the moment there is no comparison between Oulare and Woodrow playing-wise but the parallels are there concerning their opening months at the club. Cauley was absent for some time with injuries and we wondered if the club had dropped a clanger signing him for (presumably) big money. He came good though and he's still here, still scoring. The other lad might just come good too. His past record casts doubt on that but I'm prepared to be patient. A Belgian front two , when it happens, might just be another Dike/Morris situation. Woodrow can then float around doing what he does now. Morris will alternate with the other two, putting pressure on everybody to score regularly. Could work, maybe not. Let's wait and see shall we?
He is contracted to Barnsley to play football and yeah players do get injured and need time to recover, it happens all the time but this guy is a conman. I’d cancel his contract, kick him out and let him take us to court. If Hull could successfully claim against us re McDonald’s iron deficiency then we should be looking to do something similar.
So for the short term at least we will have to "make do" with the forward line we have.....wow thats a major concern for me. I do like look of the other Belgian lad but he needs help. As suggested i think we need to re think our entire formation/strategy.
"Woodrow Foreseeable Future" is preferable to "Jumble Lane Foreseeable Future". That could take us into the realms of 2025
How is he a conman? Taking the action you're suggesting would cost us legal fees, Oulares legal fees, his full contract settlement and compensation on top of that, probably with some reputational damages to boot. I'm thinking the better option may be to let the medics do their job, and if it became an issue of him being able to play, but refusing to, you then have grounds for separation. Or he could just have a niggling injury that he'd really like to get over but can't shake. The better course would be that we have sufficient insurance cover in place.
if he is injured so bad he must have had it when signed so why did we sign him, again poor management
Must be still partying down in London, its alright though because whitey found it utterly bizarre me questioning the players attitude. Wonder why Standare Liege wanted shut?
I really don't understand the negativity around Oulare. We didn't sign him knowing he'd be injured for the foreseeable future. Maybe there's no conspiracy at play at all, and he's legitimately struggling to get over a back injury. It just sounds to me like a string of unfortunate events. Can't be good for the lads mental health either, particularly if he ventures onto social media. Its a similar situation to Woodrow. He got injured on his first day in training and was out for the best part of 4 months. I don't recall there being such negativity around him at the time, and there certainly wasn't when he got playing.