I hope the mobility scooter gives Laura some independence to get out and about . Selfishly hoping for tge weather to improve too June's been a bit of a wash out so far!
Sorry to hear this mate - nothing like a bit of sun to lift the mood and hopefully she can get out and about and enjoy it!
Ah man. Sorry to hear about her health JLWBL. I always remember, many, many years back that I'd posted a message about losing a dog. It was my Dad's dog who we'd lost in 2001 so it was a bit of a double whammy for me. Your daughter sent me a lovely private message, despite all the problems she had at the time. She was probably about 15 at the time, but so grown up. Heart of gold that lass. Hope that there's some chance of improvement and if not give her a big hug (which I'm sure you do any way).
From a practical standpoint - Worth checking the route in advance - if there isn't a drop kerb she's snookered. Or if the route has cars parked on the pavement there's a problem or if she's heading for a shop with doors that have to be opened manually there's an issue. Maybe a good idea for someone to accompany her initially until she feels confident enough to go out by herself. When she does go by herself it will be re-assuring if someone is around to be contacted by phone if there's a problem.
Ah, sorry to hear about Laura's troubles. I haven't heard from her in years, but I remember chatting with her every now and then around the time she was active on this bbs. That was a long time ago, but even back then she seemed more mature than a lot of people in here. Please send Laura my best wishes!