Maggie played a blinder though she totally ****** over that **** Scar Face Scargill who was holding the country to ransom with his let’s screw the country and hold them to ransom with the 3 day week. You lefty’s have very short memories of the facts.
Heaven forbid that any worker should ask for higher wages, job security or better working conditions!
Facts my A’rse you right- wing *****. Facts are, Tories said there was no pit closure programme and that the Miners were just trouble-making, yet all the time they were plotting to screw the country , the miners, their communities and every businesses that were dependant on the mining industry, by closing them. 3 day my fecking arse. You stupid tw@t
To put the record straight, the Grimey plant only removed sulphates not CO2. (CO2 wasn't seen as an issue then).
3 day week. Country to ransom my arse. Think YOU need to get your facts right. ON THE YEAR FOR A START. Look it up. I have a long memory. BTW. Of facts. And I will not waste any more of your valuable time. Seeing as you need to research.
Below two quotes from The Sheffield Local Register, 1893. The first describes the situation in the Worsbrough Valley. The second, The Ackton Hall Collieries near Pontefract. Just two of many reports of protest and rioting across South Yorkshire protesting at mine owners carrying out a 25% pay cut. “A message was sent for police, and all available men were dispatched to the disturbed districts. an application to would be made to the military, the prospects being most threatening. A detachment of the Royal Irish Fusiliers and a troop of the 6th dragoons arrived.” “...soldiers fire on the mob, three men killed and many injured. At the inquest a verdict is returned that the deceased were shot by the military.”
Like many on here, I grew up under the Thatcher regime and saw first hand how our parents, families, friends and communities were broken by Thatcher - with minimal help to recover. But I'd have that evil witch back in a heartbeat if it meant no more Johnson in charge. Just to add. We had it twice - dad (and grandfather) was a steelworker in Scunthorpe in 1980 before moving back to Barnsley for a "secure" job in the mines... 18 months on strike between 1980 and 1985.
As I remember it the 3 day week was introduced by Edward Heath in 1974, when Joe Hormley was President of the NUM. You are getting your strikes muddled but I do not think you will let Facts ruin your argument. Perhaps you are the one with a short memory!
I don't think BBSers should be responding to that post. As I believe the Duchess of Cambridge is wont to say "If you're a Cant, You're a Cant. Nothing I can do." I think I'm quoting correctly there.
Tbh he hasn’t a clue about half the stuff he puts on here , He put posts on how much he loves the Tories and hates the Unions and labour then puts facts and figures that are no where near reality which is possibly the position of most working class Tory Voters .