Yes but really, really good luck negotiating any future trade agreements with the EU if we renege on the money owed!
And really, really good luck to the economies of europe if they won’t play ball. Anyway, I’ve had enough of all these political threads its like a 6th form common room on here lets get back to footie.
Marlon, I disagree fundamentally with just about everything the Tory party stands for. They are a hugely unpopular party. And yet still Corbyn couldn't beat them. You and a few more seem to despise Blair and New Labour almost more than you hated Thatcher but tell me when the last time was that a traditional left wing Labour government was elected. The UK is not naturally left wing in outlook. I'd like it to be more so but it needs to be moved there gradually and until the diehards come down from their ivory towers and realise that practicality is what matters, actually getting shut of the Tories is what matters then they remain almost as guilty as the Tories themselves in perpetuating their disgraceful policies.
I’m quoting facts Churt not propaganda May was miles and in front in the polls and to digest she was deemed a weak prime minister at the time is wrong . Also check the facts that Corbyn indeed cut her standing in the polls massively and ended up with the most votes polled by any labour leader per vote. Also my hatred of Blair stands . He did nothing for the labour heartlands as n investment which left us very vulnerable when actiry go to came to power . Why do you think we were hard hit when they came to power ? Because Blair with a strong labour govt did nothing . All he did was enhance benefits to keep is quiet but it was investment and I mean massive investment needed . If it hadn’t been for the EU investing in old coalfields we wouldn’t even have that as no British govt of any colour wanted to invest. As for Blair’s war I won’t even comment about the young British lives he cost on his lies never mind the countless civilians he killed or impoverished . Sorry Churt but I won’t have the deeds of Tory Blair thrown at me the mans a war criminal imo.
What I'm saying Marlon is that I'd rather have a centrist leaning Labour government that is electable than a left wing one that isnt. I don't care what Blair did or didn't do, he was a damn site better than a Tory government. Shape a Labour party that can win. Stop slagging off anything non left wing as Tory lite and get on with getting shut of them! There's still a lot of people who can remember the 70s. Unions blackmailing the government, three day weeks, power cuts, refuse in the streets. They are a body of people who were scared off old style labour. They are mistrustful. Win them back. Show the electorate that Labour can be practical and responsible. Until Labour stop being part of the two party problem I'll stay Liberal. I understand that in the eyes of the fanatical that more or less makes me a Tory but that's part of where the problem lies.
Completely agree with all of that. Its frightening how anything that doesn't fit the perfect form of socialist old labour is branded to be heresy and war waged on them. I find it ever so odd as I thought you gained majority and the ability to form governments by winning more voters, not by shedding them and pushing them away purposefully.
Utter utter rubbish.this from a poster who will vote any party that opposes Brexit . Your in no position to judge me whatsoever.
We're really not as important as we think we are. That's a big issue with Brexit - a lot of people who voted for it (particularly the old timers) see us as this big, imperial power - able to call the shots and have Europe bow at our feet even if we leave. We're going to find out that just isn't true.
I'm disappointed in the Priti Patel appointment, though I would probably lose my security clearance (and my job) if I spoke out :-(
This cabinet is so right wing it's practically a coup - not even Thatcher was this bold. If it weren't for the fact that they'll go into the next election on a no-deal Brexit platform they would be utterly unelectable. My gut feeling is that they still are, but we'll see. Probably in September.
Thought you were better than that . My views aren’t fanatical they are for a fairer and more just society . You keep saying Corbyn can’t win just like the rest I think he can he overturned a massive Tory lead in the polls to giving Theresa May a bloody nose. Do you honestly think that the Tories would have called a general election if the polls weren’t in their favour ? The polls gave her a massive lead and that’s why she called the election for strong and stable . Corbyn was way behind but closed the gap to give May a no majority govt that had to seek a loony terror supporting party for a coalition. You as others keep insulting the socialist agenda but it doesnt bother me I’m proud of my beliefs for the many not the few. What you vote or support is up to you but I’ll defend my principles against anybody. I wouldn’t vote Blair or his like ever again they let the communities like Barnsley down by not reinvesting Thatcher took years to kill our community in fact three parliaments because our infrastructure was strong and we were able to resist . Cameron and Osborne killed us overnight because Blair’s legacy was weak. He fed us Enhanced benefits instead of jobs and structure which the Tory’s and Lib Dem’s demolished with the stroke of a pen . I do care what Blair did even if you don’t ,we are still threatened with fundamentalists which he unleashed when he helped Bush . I know families of soldiers killed because he wouldn’t send the proper equipment . You can vote whatever party you like but I stand by any Tory bashing and justify it and I will never ever vote for a return of the new labour policies whichever party or leader adopts them. They were lies ,warmongering and above all selfish Tory policies which I despise . So no your right I won’t vote Tory lite to defeat Tory I will uphold my principles and belief because the alternative just isn’t one .
Well enjoy your principles while we struggle under the yoke of more abysmal Tory governments because we don't have an electable opposition.
One of the problems that Labour had is that they got a lot of the "Remain" vote in 2017 that was against the Tory vision of Brexit. Many of these are now disaffected by the fence-sitting of the leadership. This has strengthened the LibDems and Greens nationally in the polls (and the SNP/Plaid regionally). In an election situation, if the Tories do a pact with the Brexit party, then the split vote will give them an increased majority and the mandate to do whatever they want.
Given the cabinet, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Farage pulled out of a general election in return for appointment to the House of Lords, or even US Ambassador. And the Brexit "party" isn't a real party but just his personal vehicle, so that would be that. No formal alliance required. I suspect that the next general election will be no deal (Conservative) vs. second referendum (Labour). I'm not sure quite where that would leave the Lib Dems, apart from back with their centrist dad vote.
i think we need to get away from Farage being anything other than a populist career politician. He is not an ambassador or a suitable lord. he cant even be bothered to attend the parliament that he supposedly hates but is quite happy to take the cash from.
I’ve seen a massive shift locally in a seat that’s got a 30-40k labour majority. The mood seems to be one of being conned by labour, they expected opposition to Brexit and it hasn’t materialised and when it has its been wishy washy. I’d expect this to still be a labour seat, but I can see the majority getting brutalised. If such a swing was consistent in parts of London, labour could well lose seats. The more I think about it, the more I expect Johnson to steal back the brexit vote, rather than ask to share it.
Going off on a bit of a tangent (if you'll forgive a bit of mild conspiracy), probably the most concerning thing about all of this is that escalation of the situation with Iran over the summer would help Johnson massively against the pacifist Corbyn, and all-out war next year would help Trump to consolidate his base ahead of the 2020 US election.
Of course he's not a suitable lord (or, god forbid, ambassador), but he'd love it. I reckon that getting the tories to do his no-deal Brexit dirty work for him and then being elevated to the House of Lords, finally accepted as a part of mainstream politics, would tie up his personal story nicely. Don't forget that he'll lose his main platform and raison d'etre if we leave the EU - Lord Farage of Thanet has a nice ring to it, and will ensure he keeps on getting invited to hold forth on Question Time or whatever without having to do any actual work.
Then the odds are stacked heavily against you and you're likely to spend the rest of your time raging against the light. I hope I'm wrong. I hope Labour or somebody kicks the Tories out. But unless you're prepared to compromise that's unlikely to happen and the damage done by this government is likely to continue.