Any God that lets people And animals suffer as they have,are and will in future is no god worth bothering with anyway imo. And I’m not preaching that’s just my opinion.
Whether or not Corbyn gets in he won’t be able to deliver Brexit on the current form anyway . Labours the only viable option because although the party’s as split on it it won’t be forced through by the next labour cabinet . The party are not like the cons whereby Boris will be a dictator and pass as he pleases it’s more complex for a labour govt. Imo they will sanction another referendum and make it binding . The only party that will try to force Brexit in its current form are the Tory’s .
Brexit is the ******* child of the tories. It would be the irony of ironies and so fitting if this causes their permanent demise. I hope and pray for the day.
Agreed - but I really fear for the detritus that is left behind for the normal (i.e. non millionaire entitled) person. IMHO I think we are all ******....
The number of votes cast in Barnsley was 38,951 to remain a member of the EU, and 83,958 to leave the EU. (Was it only in London, in England, that there was a majority for remain?). The irony is that the wonderful Labour voting people of our parish may cause the permanent demise of the tories. Though I doubt it.
Wasnt it Blair who started it all with a promise of a referendum in an election manifest? Granted he never went through with it but the seed was planted
The brainwashing is evident in those figures, if the EU didn't give grants who would be investing here? I have people now who have never shown an interest in politics quoting memes ffs. They forget I worked for years in Brussels in I.T and probably know the working of it better than most people.
Love him or loathe him, one things for sure, it will make for great entertainment whilst he’s at the helm I’ll wager!
Ah yes, that's what we want from a Prime Minister, jokes and entertainment. As someone living abroad I'm probably 15% worse off thanks to Brexit. I find it f**king hilarious.
The need to heed the democratic will of your fellow tyke is evident in those figures. How come nobody ever says we’re brainwashed into voting labour every five years?
The only thing he can deliver is a no-deal Brexit, which my cat could deliver if you put him in charge - it being the default position. I’m not sure people who voted Brexit were told about the hard border in Northern Ireland, the contingency plans needed so we don’t run out of food, the stockpiling of medicines needed, not to mention the shutting of swathes of supply chain dependent factories, the relocation of thousands of financial sector jobs outside of the UK - the loss in tax revenues this will precipitate and the next round of austerity it will deliver. Not sure that was fully discussed during The referendum?
Regardless of whether Boris is going to be a good PM... This and several threads keep making reference to the new sitting cabinet to be so far right racist etc... Yet this Cabinet is also the most diverse in terms of Bame positions held. This forum has argued shouted and debated more than once that the Tories are a racist party yet now they have produced this diverse cabinet it seems that the shouts drifting towards the appointments being a tokenistic gesture. Least we've stopped short of calling them coconuts.