If Mowatt goes and we don’t replace there’ll be hell on. Too many times good players haven’t been replaced. We need strength in depth....
According to Dane we won’t sell him in Jan. He’s also said the negotiations are ongoing and very amicable, praising both Mowatt & his agent.
I thought we had a policy that any players who had resale value and are in the last 6 months of their contract would be sold. I agree with this policy especially as it looks like this season we should stay up comfortably and we shouldnt pass off any income in to our club for the sake of a few games to enable a player to get a big signing on fee instead of us getting a return on the player. I personally would love Mowatt to extend his contract with us but if he doesnt then get a million for him and invest it back in.
It’ll cost more than a million to sign Whiteman, who’s probably not quite as strong. Mowatt and his agent know this, they’re playing poker and they can see the clubs hand.
Don’t like talking about this - especially this weekend but I’d be amazed if Cauley’s new long contract didn’t include a buy-out clause.
For at least the past year a new contract has been talked about in the press. There is always a reason for it not happening like covid or change of head coach or concentrating on staying up. It has dragged on too long and if he wanted to stay we wouldn't have had to extend his contract for another season. He's entitled to run his contract down as we are to get shut.
Genuinely, I think we’re ok if Mowatt goes. Without question, he has to go for a fee in January if he doesn’t sign. I get that. So long as we’ve offered him a reasonable contract, if he doesn’t sign it, then that’s fine. I think we can progress without him - but only if we secure James until the Summer. James, Kane, Palmer and Styles will be ok. I like Mowatt, but we shouldn’t be held to ransom. And with no fans still, financially we can’t afford to lose him for free in the summer. Even if it’s ‘only’ £500k.
I dont think we need whiteman with Kane Styles and Palmer, hopefully James will stay on. Im not sure what value would be put on Mowatt when people know he is available for free in the summer but a million keeps the academy going.
Personally, I would sell in Jan if he won’t sign, but Dane said in an interview that he, the playing staff and owners were not working on that principal. There is an argument that If they were gonna cash in this last Summer was the time to do it, maybe COVID scuppered that. Personally I think like Donny, where his agent is playing bluff with the club. To be fair to Mowatt, it’s probably his last decent payday, he’s been a good servant for us, so wouldn’t begrudge him a hefty pay rise with or without us.
The problem with going outside your pay structure to make someone the highest paid player at the club, is it sets a precedent, which can then cause unrest in the ranks. I'm sure there will always be the highest paid player in the team, but then the next player up for renewal or to sign, then wants to be the highest player. I've seen it with some of the Premiership clubs, where the latest star starts negotiations with "I want to be the highest paid player at the club". I feel sorry for them. I know London is expensive, and trying to live on 250K a week is a struggle, but I'm sure they'll get by.
Where would we get big money from... Only by selling a player right.. Bit of a catch 22. Players move on... Let him go on a free next summer, as abit of a thank you for being our best player and captain sinse our promotion season under Stendel... Let him have a payday elsewhere
Has Mowatt given a reason for not signing a contract yet ? , no I don"t think so & a contract has been talked about in the press , yes precisely , not by the player , contracts are not signed by the press & in fairness to Mowatt , he has kept his council & hasn"t said a word , carried on doing his job to the best of his ability , top lad Alex I hope he decides his future is with us .
Maybe Mowatt doesn't have much resale value? If the only clubs interested are offering low figures, we might see no benefit in selling him in January and threatening to sabotage our own season. Honestly, I can't see us getting more than £750k for Mowatt based on age and length left on contract. Losing him in the summer for nothing might seem a waste, but having him here till then, and aiding us to finish in the top half, not only might convince him to stay longer, but also help attract better quality players.
He’ll get a payday. Doesn’t mean we let him go for nowt. If he doesn’t sign. The club is far more important than looking after him for the sake of it.
https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/spo...axed-over-new-contract-talks-barnsley-2546900 It's dragged on for ages. If it was going to happen it would have by now. He's not the first and won't be the last to talk up the possibility of signing but never doing so.
More upto date from same publication, where he says he’d like to stay, might be just grandstanding but thought would share https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/spo...fc-ceo-dane-murphy-future-alex-mowatt-3049921
Mowatt signed on 8k a week, and was our highest paid player at that point. His contract may have changed when he renewed, through relegation and promotion etc. but I'd be pretty surprised if he wasn't still our top earner and on similar dough. And he's worth it - I think he's consistently our best player. Had we not seen the improvement in the team we've had this season I think there'd be no doubt he'd be off in Jan, but as it stands I can see him and the club reaching an agreement to extend. I suspect there will be clubs out there who would be interested in him, but I can't see any offering him mega-bucks so hopefully he'll consider there's a value to staying where he knows he's appreciated. If not and he fancies a new challenge, then I do think it's the one position on the field we're most equipped to cover, with Kane and Palmer competing and the potential option to replace him by signing a left wing back who would allow Styles into the middle. So I'd probably sell in January if he doesn't want to sign a new contract, but equally would be happy for the club to keep him till the end of the season and let him go for free. The most important thing was not selling him last Jan or in the summer. Credit to the club for that, because I'd be very surprised if there weren't offers.