HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. This clearly demonstrates why people who drive BMW's drive BMW's. And why people who wouldn't be seen dead in one wouldn't. I had the misfortune of having to drive a 5 series this year whilst I waited for my own new car to be delivered. Beautiful car - probably best one I've ever driven. Would never ever chose to own one - because of the people that do chose to drive them. However - in contemplation - it may be a self fulfilling prophecy. I've driven the same route to work for 5 years. And I had 3 incidents of road in those 2 months with the BMW - and I can honestly say I dont' think I've had more than one in the rest of the 5 years. Was it the BMW's effect on me - did my driving dramatically become more assertive. Was it the BMW's effect on other road users. - do people automatically assume BMW drivers are w@nkers and react accordingly. Or was it just coincidence. Either way - glad to be out of it and people think I've got a beard and a labrador.
It seems odd, on our overly politically correct bbs, to see that it appears quite acceptable to poke prejudice towards BMW drivers. Random owners of random cars. To suggest that they drive in a way different to other drivers is of course ridiculous. However I hope that this trend continues in other debates. Makes it all far more interesting. I think the OP's assertion that a Ford Fiesta is her "ideal" is wonderful. And heaven too, compared to my long deceased purple Austin Maxi (both hands required to move the gearstick).
Jealousy is both reasonable and belongs to reasonable men, while envy is base and belongs to the base, for the one makes himself get good things by jealousy, while the other does not allow his neighbour to have them through envy. 'Aristotle, or a BMW driver?'
Ah the Austin Maxi - the worst gearchange in the history of motoring - happy memories of coasting along just trying to find a gear - any gear Actually took my driving test in one back in 1980. Changing gear best described as like stirring lumpy porridge with a rubber spoon. My last car was a 5 series BMW and it was a very good car and I didnt notice getting treated any different on the roads to the previous or my current car - neither of which were BMs
As a Subaru driver I can scientifically tell you that the worst drivers on the road don’t drive BMWs they drive...............Audi’s. On the matter of undertaking which I have to admit I may occasionally do because middle lane drivers get right on my tits; it’s a criminal offence. But, at the moment (as I recently learned on my ‘Smart Motorway Speed Awareness Course’ - I was just unlucky Gov - honestly) it’s what is known as an observed offence - as apposed to a camera offence. The bad news is the new generation of cameras (currently being trialed on the M 42) will allow undertaking to be treated as a camera offence. The better news is these cameras will also allow the offences of ‘overtaking lane dawdling’, tailgating and using lanes marked with an ‘X’ to be camera offences. It’s amazing what you learn on these courses.
That comes as bit of a shock to me. I always justified my undertaking from the Highway Code saying that passing on the inside is allowed when the traffic in the left lane is moving faster than the right. It was probably meant for a one way street but a motorway/dual carriageway is basically a one way street
I thought that one was more to do with traffic jams and slow moving traffic than anything else. Regardless of the highway code though, there's a common sense reason why undertaking is a bad idea. Being in anyone's blind spot is always a bit risky, even if it's just for a second or two.
Hmm Dont like the sound of that. Its not unusual for me to find late at night on the M25 where it is 5 lanes and quiet there is a car trundling along in lane 4 at 60 mph so I just undertake staying in lane 1, are we now seriously saying that will get me a ticket and the safe thing to do is cross 5 lanes to overtake and then cross 5 lanes back again. I can see a problem with coming up behind a car switching lanes to undertake but if you are in a clear lane and dont change lane to undertake a car 3 lanes over are we really now going to get charged. No patrol car is going to pull you for that but an automated camera system ...
I think it’s classed as careless driving. Although when you're in lane one and lane four contains a single car not moving over what else can you do. So frustrating though when we Audi drivers get stereotyped, there’s pudding drivers in all makes and models, especially I find amongst the aged. And dont get me started on caravans.
Just been stuck on the M62 westbound for about 45 mins. Outside lane closed, yet streams of mostly Audi, BMW, Merc and Golfs thinking that it somehow doesn't apply to them. Imagine my shock when I got alongside the scene of the accident and saw it was an Audi with its front end caved in! Would hate to work on motorways when there's pricks like that disregarding the signage.
I opted out if the company car scheme at work preferring to take the cash allowance and buy something I wanted not something off a list. I can tell you that the most popular makes on the list are bmw and audi. Its a way for the young uns to drive a car from a status brand but they have no respect for them because they're not their cars. I imagine the vast majority of these types of cars are driven by company car drivers who wouldn't drive their own car like that. just called at Ferrybridge services And a range rover sport just pulled in straddling the white line between two bays. As I say arseoyles drive all makes.
Fair enough, but it works in America on the freeways. Perhaps if our motorways were officially designated as freeways, drivers would occasionally look in their nearside mirrors. Even BMW drivers LOL