I’m sure that’s something your more used to than me, marginal or not not . If everyone who voted did so only because they liked all the manifesto of a certain party , there would be a massive drop in voters , best of a bad bunch tomatoe Head
Did the Tories even have a partial manifesto at the last election. Boris , Pritti, Heaton, Gove, May. You go for it#condescending.
To be fair the tories probably aren’t racist, sexist, greedy or idiotic enough for this fella. There’s definitely a bell missing it’s end somewhere in the world.
Strange, Labour under Corbyn are closer to the Labour you voted for “in those days” than since Blair took over.
To be fair it’s quite a nice little island and I once visited for the TT races. Can I amend your proposal to bringing it in line with England. Perhaps it may then rid itself of a certain inhabitant ( if indeed said person is an inhabitant)
Eyup bloody ell Cricket ,Collier and bedstead , tres macaques ear nowt, say nowt , do nowt . You could try get rid if you want but I ll wager you three dumbos won’t get past Poggy .
So I’ve heard , Pompey says jimmy sqeals like a piggy, ar well whatever you sexual needs desire eh , enjoy