£18!!!? Blimey! Fireworks displays here are plentiful and free!!. Loro Piceno (the small town next to ours has a Vino Cotto Sagra every year at the end of August which attracts hundreds of people. It lasts for 4 days with street food, bands, etc. The area is famous for the Vino Cotto ('cooked' wine) which is very like sherry. The best stuff we have had has been made by locals at home from recipes handed down generation to generation although some we have given is best used to clean drains!! On the last night at midnight there is a big fireworks display that lasts about 20-25 minutes. Parking is well organised and stewraded and also free. The local bars and street food add a little extra to the normal prices albeit cents rather than euros and it goes in part towards paying for it. The local council funds the rest.
Council workers and loads of scouts were there at 10 o clock carrying barriers up to top car park and picking rubbish up.
They've done an amazing job - all the bonfire detritus gone - no rubbish - fairground rides packed up and gone. Have lived in Barnsley a few years but only recently found my way to Locke Park - very well-looked after - each morning before 8 am staff are there picking up rubbish etc.