Got 1 at asda today does anyone know if you have to pay them. It's not council but just wondered cheers
A friend of mine who went to law school did me an appeal letter which has worked numerous times but I had left it too late to appeal may case so I took the advice of many to ignore a private ticket I got in Cornwall. Ended up them taking me to court. The court date was set for some time in the future which I remembered the day after. I ended up paying £250 instead of £80 lol. Thing is neither of us turned up to the court in Wakey. So maybe had I remembered and bothered to turn up I would have won the case. My case was slightly different. we were stopping in a gated apartment block with designated parking space. we were told they would leave a permit on the fridge for us and to make sure we put it in the car. this we did, only to find out the next day there were 2 permits one for our space and another for if we had guests stop and park outside the gate. We put the wrong permit in as we never saw the other smaller one lower down on the fridge. In statement to court I argued points from the appeal letter such as the fine being unfair and punitive in relation to the offence, that i had not entered into a contract with the parking company and that i had not caused any damage or trespassed etc. I also stated that I had not prevented anyone else from parking and that i continued to park int he same spot for a week afterwards. But they basically dismissed it due to me not turning up at court. I may still be able to locate the letter if you choose to appeal
It's my own fault tbh I took my Nannan shopping who is disabled. I parked in a disabled space and totally forgot to put badge in window. I had it on me but forgot to put it in as I was helping her out of car. They couldn't wait to put it on mi window as the time was exactly 3 mons after I left car
I once paid 8 quid for parking in Blackpool got kids pushchair out of boot and left ticket in boot. Got a ticket for 60 quid fine. I called them and sent them the ticket and the waived the fine. can't you just explain that you forgot to put it in
So long as it DOESN'T SAY South Yorkshire police or bmbc on it you are best to totally ignore it under no circumstances contact them as this is deemed that you have accepted the ticket if you have contacted them you have to pay the fine. If you haven't contacted them that's fine, you will receive another letter from them Then one from a solicitor Another from the same solicitor Then a couple from them that's on channel5 can't pay we'll take it away. If you are still unsure look on Martyn Lewis's web site there is a link on there about this.
Parking eye? They will issue papers. Email Entitle it formal complaint. Then tell him that due to your nans mobility issues you had forgotten to place the badge correctly and you find it unfair that after escorting her into the store and both buying shopping and you stopped at the cafe you are being charged an extra x amount of pounds. Explain to him that it has upset her and she is wanting to pay it on your behalf from her pension. Then ask him nicely as a gesture of good faith to have it quashed. Should do the trick.
The same thing happened to me. I took a mate who has a blue badge to Asda but we were in my car so didn't display it. I wrote to the company, explained the circumstances and sent a copy of his blue badge. They cancelled the parking charge.
Being able to ignore it is a myth. Used to work, still might for some tenbit companies who can't be arsed to chase it up, but be very careful assuming you're ok. The case last week in Scotland sets about private parking charges and that valid contracts are formed where there are clear signs. Asda sign clearly. Completely ignoring it seldom works anymore. It did - but private parking firms have wised up re contracts law. You park on their land when they have clear signs up with the rules, you have voluntarily entered into contract. The lass in Scotland owes thousands as she wrongly thought she could just ignore all the charges. Whilst it is in Scotland, and so can't really be seen as precedent, it is clear that it is not a fine, but a charge for breaching terms of contract. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As troff says. The days where you can simply ignore have changed. The law was tightened up a few years back. Better checking as to where you stand.
I'd also heard that you can't ignore them these days. As Deetee says, try your arm asking nicely and then just pay up. It's rubbish but it's the rules unfortunately.
Not like you didn't have disabled badge on you Speaking from experience over the past 9 months or so as I posted above, you shouldn't ignore. If I had totally ignored it, it would have gone to court and i would have ended up with a ccj. Infact how it works is because I lost in court I did get a ccj but it doesn't go on your credit file if you pay up instantly. if I had asked for longer to pay eg 5 instalments then I would have had a ccj on my account until it was paid. Ignoring it totally would have fecked me up completely seeing as though I the bank made me a mortgage offer at beginning of Jan which ready to go through in the next few weeks. I would have been in for a shock. I wouldn't advise ignoring it
Don't ignore it, go into Asda customer services with your Granny and blue badge if necessary , explain the circumstances that it was a genuine oversight, take shopping receipts if you have them to prove you shopped, they can and will sort the ticket out for you. Both Barnsley and Royston Asda's have sorted out previous tickets for me, one just this week. Definitely easier than dealing with Parking eye, its not in Asda's interest to punish genuine customers especially one's with disabled Granny's.
My son got one from parking eye whilst in Wakefield. We ended paying it for him because they were like a dog with a bone. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
Did you manage to get into Asda , if so should have got one of these charge cancelled letters from Parking eye
Parking Eye are Cowboys. I used to park in a car park run by them. I had to pay by sending a text message. Sent the message to pay for 12 hours and they charged me for 1. I didn't realise until I got the letter through the post saying I'd over stayed by 8 hours and a photo of my car entering and leaving the car park. When I checked my texts I noticed that I'd sent the correct text and that particular day, rather than sending me a confirmation text, they sent me a text asking whether I was sure that I only wanted to park for 1 hour. Well fishy. Appealed it. Sent in screens hots of the text. They sent me a letter saying they'd dropped all charges. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk