I'm not jumping on a bandwagon. I just don't understand your point. Marlon never wrote what you claim he did, I'm sorry but I just don't see it. It's you that needs to read it all again, not him. Maybe someone else can join in and clarify if I'm missing something.
Did we not get into the championship playoffs by January last year with only two Champioship experienced players in White and Hammill and with White mostly injured ?
Yer a foooking keyboard bully and jump on the first bandwagon passing by. With me and Hemsy at the top of your agenda. Yer as bad as Tatty - and that's saying summert. BUTT OUT !!!
Nope, I've been around on here for ages and I'm not leaving. I'm just trying to understand what you've posted, that's all. I actually agree with some of your posts, but I can't agree or disagree with this conversation, because I genuinely don't understand what you mean. I'll let others decide whether I'm a bully or not. It's not something I've ever been called before.
Yes. But explain what you meant by: 'I don’t buy this lower league players need time this or that' Because that to me is saying - lower league players should be able to hit the ground running. Is that what you intended to say? Explain that sentence
No your the bully on this occasion nudge , your trying to make my posts say something different to what they’re actually saying and stahrost is telling you in a reasonable manner imo
Yer full of sh.te and snide remarks against certain posters on here. And you know it. I've noticed - so others will have. Who said owt about you leaving ??? Stop jumping on people's backs - trying to pull them down dosent lift you up and make you look good. In fact - quite the opposite.
I was responding to your statement saying that lower league players need time to adjust to this league and giving you an example why it’s not always the case
You have entered into a debate with me. I'm still waiting for you to explain your remarks. You haven't done that. I'll ask again - what do you mean by: I don’t buy this lower league players need time this or that
POP CORN ..SWEETS SOFT DRINKS...pmsl ive just settled in for the night ...whos serve is it now....bye the way pmsl....