There are plenty of problems worldwide but I prefer facing them in our country rather than anywhere else .
I'm not sure which is my favourite post of 2022. His post mixing up Spain and America or your post pointing that out
I didn’t have my readers on. I do now understand the posters sentiment and retract most of my earlier posts.… but have no sympathy because at least he’s been away. I’ll leave them there though as it’s made ST’s year.
This holiday was booked/paid for prior to lockdown and duly cancelled. A holiday is not a privilege it’s an entitlement when you’re working or retired. What you do or where you go in that holiday period is generally defined by your financial and other situations.
TBF you did say Shithole run country. Which can be taken the wrong way. (A shithole of a country run by cnuts) I didn't comment as I took it as you said it meant. Leave out the hole bit would've been enough. Just an observation not a criticism. Goes back to the proofread thread lol.
Exactly, so if you are privileged enough, you can have a holiday abroad. I was also referring to the fact that many flights and holidays have been cancelled. But don’t want to knock you off that high horse of yours….
He posted that it was his view and that of many others. Now it is a fact that it was his view, and it’s a fact that many share that view. Your opinion is different, but it doesn’t follow the facts he posted are in any way incorrect. if you’re happy to live in a country ruled by a racist billionaire funded by your taxes, who’s income you’ve just increased by millions, and you’ve just paid for a £2k wage rise for politicians. Meanwhile a 17 yr old forced to work on a bank holiday can congratulate themselves on their recent 19p an hr rise that keeps their hourly pay under a fiver. Never had the burden of taxation had a greater shift from the rich to the poor, if you think that’s worth celebrating or makes this a great place to live, you’re entitled to that view, but pretending it’s a universal view is a bit misguided at best.
Doesn't take much to make me happy (I know, you're surprised) so when I read Donny reds post and realised what you'd done and how you'd done it I pretty much pissed myself so genuinely thankyou for that. I've misread many things on here and had howlers with my posts but I think Almeria for America is one of my favourites of all time so well played sir.
No, I was a little fortunate that my holiday wasn’t cancelled or greatly interrupted ( this time ) not priveleged that it wasn’t. NO high horse sitting here just answering 1 or 2 pathetic replies to my op