I wonder if she's watched that documentary that came out last much. Such a fascinating hour and a half watch of the documentary maker asking random people what is a woman and seeing how they answer or in most cases do a Labour party and tie themselves in knots.
I've seen bits of it about but I don't subscribe to the daily wire so I haven't watched it - I watched a bit where he was in Africa and the bit where it mentioned using same chemicals as they do to castrate paedophiles/rapists or whatever it was. Which was definitely an eye opener, but I'm still not opposed to just letting whoever do whatever with their own body as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, or kids. In regards to Penny, I meant in terms of all of a sudden she's battening down the hatches on what Tories want to hear - almost as if she's lied/"changed" her mind to gain power.
How are we supposed to be interested in this when the only ones who can vote are the tiniest number of right wing fascists in the country. You can walk away with it with a T-Shirt saying “Punish the Poor”.
T He average age of the conservative party membership is 72 years. All I have heard from her in the past couple of days appeals to this demographic. I wouldn't pay too much attention to what the candidates say,they are appealing to the membership. What is startling though, is how our country and society is divided by age,money and class. In the main, the UK is a diverse liberal society, which is youthful and technologically astute. If you listen or read the politicians, it's obvious how out of touch they are with real life. The country is driven by pleasing 13.5 million people over 65years and the rest of us can sod off.
Please, be Truss. Even the hapless Starmer should be able to beat her. I thoroughly hate them all, Tory scumbags. I'd be most worried if Sunak got the gig, but can't see the membership voting in anyone non white mysen.
I don't think this is particularly true. I know plenty of elders who are really struggling, poor pensions, in turn spending less time out and get lonely, cold and hungry. I think they're just driven by personal greed and need for power.
The link you can watch a pop up free stream. It's a website where you can type in any movie or subscription streaming show and find it to watch, so if there is something you want to see but haven't been to the cinema to see it or don't have Netflix etc you can. He was very brave making it because a lot of left wing people were attacking him for making it. He even got physically attacked at a female rally for asking them what a female is. He speaks to a father who's out on bail in Canada for this
When it comes down to the last 2, the ERG will all go with Dim Lizzie and most of the rest will go for Dishy Rishi, so sadly for Penny, her name won't be on the member's ballot. Shame really, she has the best slogan "PM4PM" which beats Tugenhadt's "TiT" logo by miles....
It will be turning around, but most of those struggling won't be card carrying Tories. The **** storm of cost of living issues has not really hit as yet. I'm glad there won't be an election at the moment, as Tory spin could still see a new incumbent through, against a fairly weak Labour front bench. Only the Deputy Leader really has the common touch & maybe Nandy & Cooper at a push... all women. Lammy is good in my book, but not sure he crosses over to anyone south of Watford, to use a Northern Soul term.
That is not a surprise. I'm not sure if you are just a wind up merchant or just "a really nice person". You are entitled to your opinions, but I won't be reading any more of your posts. God bless ya.
Did I ******** . Not voted since Blair got in . One thing I always ask labour voters is . Do you think if Barnsley became a Tory council, would we start to be look at more favourable? let's face it many of the wonderful folk in this town are fixated on the strikes and thatcher .I'm in son of a miner and went through the strike as a 12 year old ! I don't want that feeling and distaste to the Tory party to effect my kids futures . Will we ever be in the position where the tories support a labour council