And, given the UK electoral system and the rate of voter change they only ever had one general election to show a positive return... and they are halfway through now and it isn't looking good - except for TT who is out in Italy and not directly affected by it.
FYI It was intended as an ironic sarcastic post. The implementation of Brexit has been, and continues to be, a disaster.
Regardless of implementation though TT, it was always going to make us poorer, however it was implemented. It's time we moved away from the divisions between 'leavers' and 'remainers' and just all regarded ourselves as 'victims'!
From a column I read in The Guardian this morning: "Truss is just some free floating atoms in search of a personality and ideas. Virtually nothing she said made any sense. And if it did, it was entirely accidental. She is everyone’s preferred comedy candidate... Terrifying really. Still, we can only hope that Tory MPs are stupid enough to coalesce around Liz. After all, we’re f***ed regardless. So we may as well go down with a laugh." Which did make me laugh.
Boris Johnson bent on rigging the House of Lords in his favour again. Nadine Dorries - FFS.
I never regarded it as an improvement on what we had. Long term I genuinely thought we would be less impacted in the likely event of the collapsing Euro, the financial disaster that is Italy Portugal and Spain distancing ourselves from it seemed prudent. In the event the outcome has been far removed from what might have been partly due to unforeseen events like COVID and more recently Russia Ukraine but overwhelmingly as a result of utter incompetence in negotiating the deal. The told you so brigade on here who see everything in black and white o and who regard vote leavers to be thick and stupid are not IMO worth responding to. In any event what has passed has passed and we need to put it behind us and dig ourselves out of the mess rather than, as you say, perpetuating division.
Maybe you had some thought out arguments for why you believe we as a country would be better off outside the EU, I don't agree with you and that's ok. However, for every person that voted leave like yourself, there were hundreds who had absolutely no idea about it whatsoever, other than the bilge spouted by Farrage and Rees Mogg and some vague ideas about sovereignty. Unfortunately, Brexit will never be put behind us, there will always be people who want to drive us further and further away from the EU and those that want to at least rejoin the Single Market and Customs Union. It's certainly the most divisive political event in my lifetime, surpassing even the 1984/5 strike, something which I thought impossible.
Johnson's idleness strikes again, today there was a COBRA meeting to discuss the current heatwave crisis. Naturally BoJo was nowhere to be seen. He never attended the first 5 COVID COBRA meetings and some idiots still think he did a good job with COVID, it beggars belief.
Not sure quite how i would describe someone living as an expat who quite happily voted leave thus denying others the opportunity of free movement..... I will stick with my opinion that anybody who voted leave and expected it to turn out as a positive is an idiot however.