And on the BBC, I just saw Tommy Tittenhausen say that he wants to refresh the tax system so high earners can keep more of their dosh. Things are looking up for the working class, ,,, get yer tin helmets ready!!!
Free movement? IT is a misleading term bandied about. Even with EU membership you could not just rock up and take up permanent residence in most European countries. You have always had to meet certain criteria to move from temporary residence (e.g. Permesso di Soggiorno) to being a full tax domiciled resident and a lot of bureaucracy to overcome. Yes it is a bit more complex but not insurmountable. Also it is still possible to live, retire and work (we know at least a dozen people who have done so since Brexit and a number of Italians who have gone the other way and now working in the UK). Too many on here talk about loss of FoM as if it is no longer possible to live in the EU if coming from the UK without really having a clue what they are talking about. Finally, it is interesting how so many of the people who constantly bang on about loss of FoM have no intention, and never have, of moving abroad. As 2nd country UK has simply joined the ranks of places like US, Canada Australia regarding access rules to the EU and we have plenty of people here residing working or retired from those countries. At least one person on this BB has recently moved to our region . Some complain that they have holiday homes and now can spend only 3 months at a time here alternating with 3 months outside the EU (either back in UK or in a non EU state) whereas tehy could originally come for 6 straight months. However they are not tax residents.
So why were loads of "ex-pat" Brits (I hate that term, they're immigrants) chucked out of Spain? Because they were there by dint of Freedom of Movement and couldn't be arsed to go through the process of gaining residence. Ironically most of them voted leave. However, the real downside to the end of FoM is plain for all to see in the farming industry.
So, you have the retirement of your choice but voted against my lifestyle and that of many others because it doesnt fit into your definition of free movement ...... jack attitude.
Agree. If someone blows themselves up and takes innocent people with them, the bomber isn't regarded as a victim. It's the same here.
Some of that is a load of tosh Free Movement isnt only about making a new permanent home in a new country like you have done - that is still possible but now more difficult, but its about being able to freely travel and work without 90 day restrictions. There are loads of examples why this is now no longer possilble as it was For me until about 8 years ago I used to do a lot of travel for work and did at certain stages of projects spend more than 3 months out of 6 at customer sites in Europe - if I wanted to do that now I would need to get a working schengen visa - not sure how easy that its but its definitely more difficult I have at least 2 lots of UK based friends who have second homes in France or Spain one used to go out before Christmas to Chamonix and ski until after Easter, and take their dog. Their Dog is now French (officially as far as passports go ) and they have to come back for a few weeks mid season our other friends have to constantly keep count of how much time they spend in Europe Its much more difficult for younger Brits to go and work in Europe than it was previously - again visas are needed and definitely makes taking a gap year and working ad hoc in bars etc as you travel around almost impossible Its a huge problem for holiday companies who want to employ UK reps /chalet staff etc As for areas where we are short of people here especially farming, hospitality security etc its now a nightmare to get staff the list is endless What exactly are the benefits of us stopping free movement - we cant even deport asylum seekers back to France anymore
Why would she tweet this? She’s level with unsure/none and miles behind Sunak. Such a weird thing to promote.
Completely meaningless twaddle. The only "electorate" that matters at the moment is the 300-odd Tory MPs. The ERG and other swivel-eyed Brexiteers on the right will support Truss and the moderates will support Sunak.
Not disputing that. As a musician (retired) who used to tour round Europe it would be nigh on impossible to organise even short 3 week tours like we used to do. Even pre, Brexit, it was possible in spite of multiploe forms to fill out and queuing at each country border...Holland ,Belgium, Germany point to exit and enter each country in turn. The post Brexit EU rules have actually made it harder in these days of IT and advanced technology than it was in the days of paper and rubber stamps to enter exit from outside the EU. This is actually a good example of the bureaucratic, protectionist organisation that is the European Union. Everyone, turned a blind eye to it when we were actually in the EU as we were not affected by it and actually gained from being on the 'inside' at the expense of most of the rest of the World. It is, in some ways hypocritical of remainers , now that we are on the outside, to complain because when we were members was a case of I'm all right Jack'. Another example of the ridiculous lengths the EU go to to limit external trade was the company that had to complete multiple forms for every box of fresh shellfish in a lorry shipment that was refused entry due to the fact that whilt 99.9% correctly completed a single signature was not inserted in the correct place.
Like saying pretty much any old ****** to defend an indefensible position..... a bit like Johnson and Trump and the PM candidates.