The Tory establishment has really moved against her. Guido Fawkes running the same stories multiple times a day to discredit her. They'd definitely rather it be Sunak v Truss, I think they reckon Sunak is toast with the party members.
I find it ridiculous that these votes have rightly been fast tracked though to get the numbers down yet we have to wait while Sept 5th to replace one useless **** with another. Why do we have to have Johnson imposed on us for that length of time. He now has ample time to foul things up for us further when he should have been simply fed to attack dogs whilst lathered in dripping.
Never underestimate the scale of support an evil incompetent tory politician can generate if they take an anti migrant stance.
Should have been Penny. A lesser known face would have been the way to go. Instead it's been two of the most key cabinet ministers that worked for the current shower that's in charge.
Another thing, if you become the PM without being elected by the public to the role it should mean a automatic general election. It says everything that all those trying to take over from Boris let it be known they wouldn't be calling for one if they got in power.
The sensible money was on Truss a couple of weeks ago at 5/1.... this lot were never going to let a sensible candidate take over even if it means they lose. Dorries and my MP Adams look likely to be heading to the house of Lords for their loyalty and lack of care for their constituents.
Can I just remind everyone that I predicted the final 2 on the day that BoJo "resigned" Saturday's lottery numbers will be 4 26 16 37 19 32.
I notice Truss has now backtracked on her vote for Remain... funny that isn't it? I wonder if she would have done the same if Sunak had also voted remain These fuckers can't tell the truth, can they?
I saw a very funny but true analogy on the internet regarding Johnson being replaced by one of his supporters' it said " its like sh####ng your pants and changing your shirt" i thought it worked wonderfully well.. She changed her mind five years ago about Brexit so changing her mind from remain to leave isn't a new thing to get elected.
They'll change their opinion to suit what they think will get them voted in at the drop of a hat. No morals whatsoever.