I didn't even know they'd signed him. Reckon it might just be for the chance of his wife turning up to watch.
Funny enough I've just been doing a little research on him.I'm not sure if he was joint owner with Patrick or he just brokered the deal to buy the club from P.Doyle. What i do know is that his salary was absolutely disgusting for a club who'd been tettering on the edge through administration etc.
I remember an interview with PC and Gordon Shepherd, afterwards they said they left the day to day running of the club to Peter R. Cryne gave him a budget of £2million to do so, they were shocked to discover he'd paid himself £850,000. It's a long time ago now so how much is true or a reflection of the truth, who can tell. We were going through a lot of coaches at the time,just like now.
As far as I remember Ridsdale was on a million pound a year and he then set his mate on Mick Walker and he was paid 600k a year.Like I said earlier for a club who'd been on the brink it was disgusting.I'm not sure if the BBS was active then but I'm sure the mathamaticians on here would have had a field day.
If I remember rightly he was a mate of Don Rowing, I think I'm right in saying their families were involved together in a business in Lincoln.