Villa are one of the biggest clubs in the country they have gone for promotion and lived beyond their means 2 seasons on the bounce and gambled on promotion. If we paid Conor and the rest over the odds and the same happened house builders would be drawing up the plans as we speak. So yes.
Hope they go bust. Clubs have been getting away with this for years with no implications other than paltry (for a football club) fine. Look at Bournemouth. Broke FFP, happy to pay the fine after promotion. Pathetic.
F'cking brilliant! Their fans have been fawning over that fraud for the past 2 years and now they're seeing what most other football fans could see all along, that failure to get promoted would put them on the brink. The Championship could be a very interesting place next year with them and Wednesday in a mess.
They gambled everything on promotion . I'm in two minds whether to give them credit for at least trying or criticising them for being foolish . Hindsight and all that .