Nobody is saying you personally didn’t, Marlon. Your generation as a collective didn’t though. Or if they did, they failed, because those benefits certainly weren’t there after your generation and still are not there now.
I don’t know what you’re getting at tbh . As a child I didn’t fight for these benefits no of course I didn’t . As. Young adult of course I did . I was an NUM member from the age of 16 . As a young man I was active in demonstrations either for upholding or enhancing working class benefits . You’re targeting me as personal whereas I’m using general for my generation. Lots of these benefits I fought for especially the free tuition. I fought for and never used them personally but I don’t begrudge fighting got them ,
Yes we did because they were there In my generation and the generation after . The current pensioners are not to blame ive been to London and everywhere protesting with my generation hundred of thousands of us . If it were t for us you’d be paying Poll tax and other things gs now . It’s not my generation that has caused this but I will concede when we were fighting we had the whole community behind us which I know is very difficult nowadays without them . But my generation fought for a full year to keep those community’s with being in great personal hardship.
My point is that your generation obviously didn't enjoy the benefits as a result of their fight for them as you initially suggested. They enjoyed them because the previous generation fought for them. So if the current generation don't have some benefits, it's not due to their lack of fight (as you suggested) it's due to their parents' lack of fight.
Those benefits were for the next generation. after mine did you want us to fight for them all our lives ? The batton was handed down Intact from my generation .
Of those who voted in the elections in the 70s/80s (I was too young), the largest minority voted for parties who made it easier for them to own their own house *at the expense of their children and grandchildren* and privatise the utilities *at the expense of the country*. Most of these were over 40 then (70-80 now) Of those who voted in the elections in the 90s (which I did from 97 being disenfranchised in 92), the largest minority voted for parties who brought in tuition fees *at the expense of their children and grandchildren*. Most were over 40 then (60s now) I can't remember what we lost in the 00s (too busy working and familying) Of those who voted in the elections in the 10s (which I voted for a party that lost every time), the largest minority voted to remove benefits from the disabled, to remove the EU and remove the subsequent rights *at their own expense* The problems can be pointed at the older age-group, but it could just be that as a country we are just f**king stupid.
Looking at it like that you could also say we had govts that created an empire Govts that upheld an empire and the atrocity’s that ensued . Govts that oversaw great famines and poverty We had govts that created two world wars. etc etc . If we judging on those lines then you’re right we feked up as Country each and every generation has failed . But I’m talking individual things against govts that’s been achieved Trade Unions were formed against the wishes of elected govts . Lots of good was done despite minority govts being in power with every generation But e everyone seems to clamour to our generation .
Over the past 15 years (and arguably the past 40) those hard-fought victories - the union rights, the right to a decent house, the safe jobs, the privilege of looking forward to a decent retirement, free education and so many more - have been successively stripped away. We don't have them any more, and it's certainly not the under-40s who have voted for that to happen. It may have escaped your notice that we've spent the last two elections fighting for them to be brought back. If you want to know who's resisting that fight just look at the voting demographics and sort by age.
Voted in govts have been fought successfully in the past and policies reversed . To use voted in govts as a capitulation. and blame the whole generation who mostly fought against a cross generalisation of Generations doesn’t wear with me In the nineties in Demonstrations I attended for TU rights I noticed it were more my generation that we’re represented at these demos we outnumbered the younger ones by a fair amount. Just because govts were voted In doesn’t mean that certain policies weren’t ought against . You have only to read this board to find out how many voted for this lot on the Brexit issue but have slated them for their actions . The generation on your basis that fought so valiantly for social housing union rights etc etc also voted in govts thst gave us wars and atrocities across an empire . So it’s not black and white what different generations did .
The current blame lies in there’s no fight for whatever reason . Nowadays it’s left to politicians , social reformers. Industrialists etc argue on telly . I don’t know the reason why that is whether it’s lack of organisation or whatever . In the seventies ,eighties , nineties we’d be off down to London or wherever placards out etc etc there’d be thousands of us .often not widely reported on Telly as they were usual events . We did this despite the Govt of the day and often changed policy often not but we were there . This using voted in govts as an excuse for the time is nonsense we changed policies choose which govts not as often as we’d liked to have but we tried we did summat . Waiting for govts of the day to change their minds was t an option for us . We’d had one True Socialist govt in our History so we had to fight all comers including labour especially new labour . As far as buying council houses and shares in nationalised industries the nation was lied to amidsta massive govt propaganda campaign just as this generation were lied to over Brexit , Trying to pin a generation down on statistics. on voted govts had been going on for years the older generation have always voted in numbers but couldn’t get them out in earlier elections just as now same as it’s always been older end vote younger end don’t get off their arses it was same for us . We even went against a massively popular govt that was taking us to an illegal war ,over a million of us marched in London alone and they still ignored us . Saying that govts was voted in by a generation doesn’t tell a story . Most Social and TU gains have been against elected govts but the fight seems to have gone with just a few taking the fight on like BLM and some environment organisations we need more from this generation not the blame game .
Divide and conquer once more, the blame game, covers the backs of those who cause the real problems in life.
Spent my student years protesting and raising money for various strikes! A great feeling when the poll tax was abolished. Tbf to the young uns, social media seems to be more of a thing nowadays, worked for Rashford and his fsm over summer.
At home as a teenager but paying a lot in board and buying my own food etc And I saved a LOT more deposit than I needed I saved a 10% deposit on the first home I considered buying simply by skipping two lads holidays. Nothing else just two lads holidays. While my mates went on their two week bender to the med I saved for a house. I now have my own home, they don't. What complaint can anyone have that houses aren't cheap? Force people to lower the price of homes for you? Not going to happen is it By the way I'm not saying people shouldn't fight for better, I'm saying that this rubbish that people are telling the young people today (and by young I mean anyone under 35) that they will never be able to afford an house so don't bother saving up is absolute rubbish and gives out completely the wrong message.
We blamed for policies when we young and now they blaming us for present policies ? Seems to me some using statistics for their argument if we responsible for policies in past )which I don’t accept ) then they are to blame for current policies whilst the culprits as MrsH says sit back Take for instance this policy the Tories have voted through about NHS being in trade agreement . It was against Tory policy it was in their manifesto to not do it yet they’ve just passed it in a Tory MPs vote. Who’s faults that ? and to think there’s only two party’s to pick from theres no option but to fight imo and if It were my time again I’d be there in fact if it’s organised I might still be . Blaming generations for this is stupid .